Team: Carlos Raul Gutierrez, Kaili, Kan, Drew Bagley, Jonathan Zuck, Laureen Kapin,
Gaonglalewe Mosweu, Fabri Steibel, Waudo SIganga, Jordyn Buchanan, Calvin Browne, Megan Richards
Observers: None.
Staff: Jean-Baptiste Deroulez, Pamela Smith, Brian Aitchison, Eleeza Agopian, Antonietta Mangiacotti , Margie Milam, Alice Jansen
Apologies: Carlton Samuels, Jamie Hedlund, Dejan Dukic, David Taylor
- Research updates
- DNS Abuse Study
- Economic Study
- NTLD Stats
- Stan’s “wish list”
- Plenary call preps
- Welcome, roll roll-call, SoI SoI (2 5 min)
-Build recommendations based on Competition & Consumer Choice High-level findings (45 min)
Basic Market Share Consultations & Size Distribution of TLDs (Stan)
Concentration Ratios (Jordyn)
Price Analysis (Stan)
Registrar Competition with Registries (Waudo)
Registry Policies (Dejan)
Registrations in new gTLDs available in .com (Jordyn)
URS vs. UDRP (Dejan)
Use .BRAND TLDs (Waudo)
Benefits vs. Confusion to end users (Megan)
Trademarks (Stan) Industry Structures (Stan)
Effect of new gTLD entry on concentration (Stan)
- Build recommendations based on Safeguards & Trust High-level findings (45 min)
- Has the New gTLD Program Put Sufficient Mechanisms in In Place to Mitigate risks to the Trustworthiness of the DNS? papers i.e. o
- Have the Safeguards been Implemented in a Manner that Promotes Effective Enforcement?
- Technical safeguards (Calvin)
- Implemented GAC safeguards (Laureen)
- Voluntary PICs 5drew, Laureen)
- RPMs (David)
- Have the New gTLD Operators complied with:
- Have the New gTLD Operators complied with:
- Technical safeguards (Fabro)
- GAC implemented safeguards (Fabro)
- RPMs (David)
- What was the impact of the New Safeguards on DNS Abuse? (Drew)
- Did the New Rights Protection Mechanisms mitigate certain risks involved with the Expansion of the New gTLD program? (David)
- Has the New gTLD program put mechanisms in to improve trustworthiness in the DNS? o
- Background of History of GAC Safeguards and new Registry Agreement (Laureen)
- Description of Technical Safeguards and Implementation (Calvin)
- Description of Safeguards Applicable to all gTLDs and Implementation (Laureen)
- Description of Safeguards Applicable to sensitive/highly regulated gTLDs and Implementation (Laureen)
- Description of Voluntary Public Interest Commitments (Drew/Laureen
- )
- Description of Rights Protection Mechanisms (David)
- Effectiveness of Procedures to Enforce Safeguards o
- Are the new procedures effective in enforcing safeguards? (Carlton)
- Have these efforts had an impact on public perception of the DNS?
o papers?
- What is the level of consumer awareness of the new gTLDs? (Carlton, Gao)
- Have consumers expressed trust in the new gTLD program efforts? (Laureen)
- Has consumer trust in the DNS improved overall since the introduction of new gTLDs? (Jamie)
- Identify findings on Application and Evaluation paper (15 min)
- Was the application and evaluation process effective at addressing the needs of underserved areas and markets? (Waudo)
- Determine required additional research (5 min)
- Draft report structure & next steps (5 min)
- A A.O.B (3 5 min)
Chat Transcript: EN
Transcript: EN
Recommendations Template: Given Finding X, we see a deficiency/excess/limitation Y limitation Y and therefore recommend Z to address it.
* ST-02. Technichal Safeguards_Calvin v4:
- Rec 1: Calvin to review Compliance Reporting to restate the first recommendation to be more specific
- Rec. 2: Calvin to update 2nd recommendation to reference known costs of safeguards (by cost center - registrar, registrant, etc.)
- New Rec: ICANN to be whitelisted & not rate limited for WHOIS lookups
- ACTION ITEM: ICANN to get info from WHOIS ARS on rate limiting challenges
*ST-Voluntary PICs_Drew_v2:
- Rec: Registries to self report on voluntary pics
- ACTION ITEM: Drew and Carlos to come up with language on self reporting recommendation
gTLD Market:
- ACTION ITEM: ICANN legal to provide information on whether ICANN should be collecting price data directly
Effects of parking - DNS abuse study
Assertions of increased parking with new gTLD's and negative effects of parking
- New Rec: Recommendations to study parking