Team: Gaonglalwe Mosweu, Kaili Kan, Stan Besen, Carlton Samuels, Jonathan Zuck,
Jordyn Buchanan, Megan Richards, Waudo Siganga, Drew Bagley, Dejan Djukic, Calvin Browne, Jamie Hedlund, Laureen Kapin, Fabro Stiebel
Observers: Beth Bacon
Staff: Alice Jansen, Brenda Brewer, Pamela Smith, Margie Milam, Eleeza Agopian, Brian Aitchison, Karen Mulberry
1. Welcome, roll-call, SoI
2. Approve final set of applicant
survey questions
3. Research updates
4. On the road to Vienna
a. Safeguards & Trust
b. Competition & Consumer
Choice roadmap
c. Discuss proposed
meeting agenda
5. Application & Evaluation
a. New gTLD Subsequent
Procedures PDP WG and GAC correspondence
b. GAC advice and new
gTLD applications
c. Reconsideration requests
d. String confusion
e. Rounds
6. A.O.B
- Applicant Survey Questionnaire Draft
- GAC EW and New gTLD
- Revised template (adopted)
- Model issue paper
- Vienna F2F Agenda
Chat Transcript: EN
Transcript: EN
Applicant survey questions
- ACTION ITEM - Jonathan, Megan and Laureen to send Eleeza proposed questions that relate to the reconsideration process by 19 Megan and Laureen to send Eleeza proposed questions that relate to the reconsideration process by 18 August - COB
- ACTION ITEM - All to send any last minute suggestions to list by 19 August - COB
Research updates
- Staff will send economic study results, registrant survey results prior to Vienna. AM Global on track to provide results in September. 3 groups have expressed interest in conducting DNS abuse study. RFP deadline: 26 Aug
On the road to Vienna
- Drafts are due to be circulated on August 22. Subteam call on August 23. Circulate papers to full Team on August 26.
- ACTION ITEM - Revisit call schedule to have subteam leads present in September (micro-webinars)
- Laureen's revised model is adopted as the revised discussion paper.
- Received data and Vienna will be dedicated to interpreting it. In process of mapping out to individual topics and owners.
Application & Evaluation Process
- ACTION ITEM - Megan to put together a discussion paper on GAC advice and new gTLD applications
- ACTION ITEM - Carlton and Jonathan to connect on community applications and how do address concerns related to their evaluation in this review.
- ACTION ITEM - Jonathan to follow up with Jordyn on rounds and evidence
- ACTION ITEM - Jordyn to look at applicant surveys and determine if additional questions needed to address rounds. Jonathan to reach out to Jeff Neuman on that question.