Team: Gaonglalwe Mosweu, Kaili Kan, Stan Besen, Carlton Samuels, Jonathan Zuck,
Jordyn Buchanan, Megan Richards, Waudo Siganga, Drew Bagley, Dejan Djukic, Calvin Browne, Jamie Hedlund, Laureen Kapin, Fabro Stiebel
Observers: Beth Bacon
Staff: Alice Jansen, Brenda Brewer, Pamela Smith, Margie Milam, Eleeza Agopian, Brian Aitchison, Karen Mulberry
1. Welcome, roll-call, SoI
2. Approve final set of applicant
survey questions
3. Research updates
4. On the road to Vienna
a. Safeguards & Trust
b. Competition & Consumer
Choice roadmap
c. Discuss proposed
meeting agenda
5. Application & Evaluation
a. New gTLD Subsequent
Procedures PDP WG and GAC correspondence
b. GAC advice and new
gTLD applications
c. Reconsideration requests
d. String confusion
e. Rounds
6. A.O.B
- Applicant Survey Questionnaire Draft
- GAC EW and New gTLD
- Revised template (adopted)
- Model issue paper
- Vienna F2F Agenda
Chat Transcript: EN
Transcript: EN
Applicant survey questions
- ACTION ITEM - Jonathan, Megan and Laureen to send Eleeza proposed questions that relate to the reconsideration process by 18 August - COB
- ACTION ITEM - All to send any last minute suggestions to list by 19 August - COB
Research updates
- Staff will send economic study results, registrant survey results prior to Vienna. AM Global on track to provide results in September. 3 groups have expressed interest in conducting DNS abuse study. RFP deadline: 26 Aug
On the road to Vienna
- Drafts are due to be circulated on August 22. Subteam call on August 23. Circulate papers to full Team on August 26.
- ACTION ITEM - Revisit call schedule to have subteam leads present in September (micro-webinars)
- Laureen's revised model is adopted as the revised discussion paper.
- Received data and Vienna will be dedicated to interpreting it. In process of mapping out to individual topics and owners.
Application & Evaluation Process
- ACTION ITEM - Megan to put together a discussion paper on GAC advice and new gTLD applications
- ACTION ITEM - Carlton and Jonathan to connect on community applications and how do address concerns related to their evaluation in this review.
- ACTION ITEM - Jonathan to follow up with Jordyn on rounds and evidence
- ACTION ITEM - Jordyn to look at applicant surveys and determine if additional questions needed to address rounds. Jonathan to reach out to Jeff Neuman on that question.