Chat: EN
Transcript: EN
- ACTION ITEM - Jonathan to reach to Domaintools to determine whether there is data that could be used on ccLTD regions.
- ACTION ITEM - Jordyn and Dejan to coordinate on reaching out to Nominet and Dejan to enquire with his registries colleagues
- ACTION ITEM - Eleeza to contact Stan to request if he can calculate statistical validity of nTLD stats’ proposals.
- ACTION ITEM - Analysis group to send available results to subteam
- ACTION ITEM Jordyn to produce a template for new vs legacy gTLDs markets
- ACTION ITEM - Stan, Jordyn, Staff to produce plan of action and timeline of actions on July 26 call.
- ACTION ITEM - Dejan to look at volunary PICs table https://community.icann.org/download/attachments/56135378/Top%2030_GAC%20Category%201%20String_PICs.xlsx?version=1&modificationDate=1468407825000&api=v2 and to determine if can be translated into Jonathan's template