Team: Drew Bagley, Stan Besen, Jordyn Buchanan, Dejan Djukic, Jamie Hedlund, Kaili Kan,Gao Mosweu, Fabro Steibel, , David Taylor, Jonathan Zuck
Apologies: Margie Milam, Laureen Kapin, Megan Richards, Waudo Siganga
1. Welcome, roll-call, SoI
2. Competition & Consumer Choice subteam - progress report
3. Safeguards & Trust subteam - progress report
4. Application & Evaluation - progress report
5. Research/data requests – progress report (deadline: 18 July)
6. Adopt discussion paper template & establish next steps
7. A.O.B
Chat Transcript: EN EN
Transcript: EN
Progress reports
Competition & Consumer Choice Subteam - Progress Report
Finalized project list to be completed and identified data sources.
Access to wholesale prices is still an issue.
Safeguards & Trust Subteam - Progress Report
Organized in discussion paper subteams and working towards producing findings for August meeting
INTA survey
David sent draft INTA questions for comments.
Nielsen estimates 9 weeks to get survey out. including a two-week period to develop the survey.
- ACTION ITEM - Send David any comments or input you may have on INTA questions by end of this week.
- ACTION ITEM - Eleeza and David to organize a subteam call to discuss next steps.
Research requests
July 18 was set as the deadline to finalize proposals for budget for research requests.
Application & Evaluation Process
Call was held with Andrew Mack to talk about progress on cohorts. They are ready with Africa, Latin America entities and we gave them greenlight for South-East Asia and Middle East. We are expecting proposal back from AM global so we can assess whether makes more sense to hold survey.
Status of action items
- PENDING - ACTION ITEM - Carlton to send a note to Subsequent Procedures PDP WG leadership to get more information on timing of the aplicants survey.
- PENDING - ACTION ITEM – Staff to look at Applicant Guidebook and sections on it that relate to GAC Advice. Compare how the GAC provided
advice during the application process. Catalog GAC correspondence that is related to advice, acceptance of afvice, implementation of advice and so on - PENDING - ACTION ITEM – Laureen, David, Jordyn to look at table compiling reconsideration requests, the contentious set and registrant survey
- PENDING - ACTION ITEM - Staff to identify list of same words and their own plurals.
- PENDING - ACTION ITEM - Megan and David to examine objections and inconsistency of results on string confusion and singular/plural. Staff to get list of data.
- ACTION ITEM - Jonathan to reach out to those on who were not on the call to ask for status update
Simplifying process by eliminating rounds:
- ACTION ITEM - Jordyn to create bullet points on drawbacks and pull together data.
- ACTION ITEM - Staff to include rounds related question into applicants survey.
Adopt discussion paper template & establish next steps
- ACTION ITEM - Stan to use registration numbers across TLDs as a pilot to fill out research analysis worksheet
- ACTION ITEM - Brian to suggest edits on templates to address concern.
August meeting location to be shared asap, tentatively early next week.
Update of Helsinki meeting