Discussion documents:
- 6 June 2016: Adobe Connect (Part 1) | mp3
- 6 June 2016: Adobe Connect (Part 2) | mp3
- 6 June 2016: Adobe Connect (Part 3) | mp3
- 7 June 2016: Adobe Connect | mp3
- 6 June 2016 Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
- 7 June 2016 EN
The Safeguards & Trust reviewed and offered comments on the Safeguards Effectiveness Management table https://community.icann.org/download/attachments/58727388/SafeguardMethodandApproachDCF2F%20v2.docx?version=1&modificationDate=1465232055000&api=v2
The Safeguards & Trust Subteam refined its list of topics – seehttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1-VN7m2jMhERibUIOo-dfmbM3ATlUOu-xloBpNY5Poxs/edit?pref=2&pli=1 – and identified penholders for each bucket.
The Subteam received presentation from members on their reading list assignments.
- ACTION ITEM: Subteam members to highlight in green/red whether their reading assignment is useful or not for next steps
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/19IF1WAi66X0yOkPR9vz2EMTfTSfGrWEsmMJmXE3XahM/edit?usp=sharing
- ACTION ITEM: Subteam members to finalize analysis of their respective reading assignments ASAP
- ACTION ITEM: Carlton and Carlos to produce analysis of SSAC papers that were identified for the reading list
- ACTION ITEM: Impact of Safeguards & Public Interest commitments subteams to populate analysis chart by 21 June -https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HXITaaEdZ8MlbA-GjCJfDv7eXKuPNIeaVtopU2h4PX8/edit
- ACTION ITEM: Determine to what extent existing data addresses consumer/end user behavior questions
- ACTION ITEM: Staff to adjust work plan
- ACTION ITEM: Penholders to produce research/discussion papers