Chat Transcript: EN
Transcript: EN
- Alice to circulate a doodle poll to identify meeting dates/location preference.
- Staff to circulate the Statement of Interest template for updating by RT if necessary based on new policy.
- Staff to circulate letter to the list.
- Staff to update TOR according to meeting notes and circulate to the list for formal adoption. Incorporate Laureen's proposed definition of consumer. ToR considered adopted provisionally with the caveat that edits need to be integrated.
- Staff to refine work plan and create a living project plan which includes milestones
- Conduct risk assessment for discussion with Jeff and Avri ACTION ITEM - Staff to create document that maps the PDP issues against the CCT's list of issues to identify gaps & to enable CCT to prioritize & identify low risk areas to send to the PDP
- Jonathan to work with staff on streamlining application and evaluation list
- Staff to circulate calendar of calls