The application is divided into two parts. The first part is critical – it assesses whether:
You are a formal member of At-Large - Section 3 – Your current At-Large Affiliation
Your knowledge of ICANN and how it works - Section 4 - ICANN and its Ecosystem. This will expect you to complete a series of compulsory study courses.
You are already an active member within At-Large or in another section of ICANN, on behalf of At-Large
Section 5 – Your Participation in RALO and ALAC Activities
Section 6 - Your contributions to At-Large
Your contributions in policy inputs and reviews
Your contributions in Outreach and Engagement for At-Large
You will only qualify to move onto the second part of the application form if you can complete all the questions in the first sections appropriately.
The second part will assess your experience and potential capacity according to a set of criteria that were considered important skills and abilities for our policy leaders in At-Large
These criteria were selected by Leadership Development Team (LDT) subgroups who were made up of members from At-Large who specifically volunteered to contribute to the selection of travellers to ATLAS III in Montreal.
In this final section, you will be asked to provide details of the contribution you have made to At-Large or ICANN to demonstrate your own practical experience, abilities and skills
Section 7 - Your Skills and Experience
Collaborative, skills in team building
Ability to lead, motivate, inspire and build consensus
This section will be evaluated by the regionally-selected ATLAS III APPLICANT SELECTION COMMITTEE.
IMPORTANT: All applications must be submitted by 23:59 UTC on 31 May 2019 to be considered.
Webinars - which are available in English, French and Spanish.
ICANN Learn courses - which are only available in English
All information on the ATLAS III Prep Courses may be found on the Online Training Courses Workspace.
The courses offered in either course program, will cover the same content so that you can choose either of the courses to complete a particular topic. But you MUST complete at least one.
There will be notices sent out to At-Large notifying potential applicants about when the courses will be available. or you can click here to get the schedule directly.
Completing a webinar course means that you must attend the whole course, and NOT arrive more than 10 minutes after the start of the webinar. There will be questions asked at the end of each webinar
Completing a course in ICANN Learn is monitored internally - so the program records how much of each course is completed by each learner.
The Webinar Programme
When you are notified about the start of the ATLAS III webinar programme you will be given two chances to view the webinar. The presenters have agreed to offer the webinar twice in order to allow people a time on different sides of the world to take the course. These are compulsory if you want to complete the courses in French or Spanish. It is important that, as a minimum, you do each of the topics either on the Webinar or the ICANN Learn programs. You can do both if you want to.
While we are offering French and Spanish translations of the Application Form we would prefer that you please try to answer your questions in English. This is because not all of the members of the ATLAS III Selection Panel will be able to read in French or English (and it may not be possible to translate the text on the scoring matrix). Most of the answers in Section 1 just require a click of your mouse, but if you qualify to move onto the full application, then this is where you will need to be able to explain what skills and experience you have.
We would recommend that you ask a friend or one of the RALO Leaders if you have any questions with the application form.
Do not make your answers