- Privacy & Information Security Law Blog: Article 29 Working Party Clarifies Purpose Limitation Principles
- Anti-Phishing Working Group Advisory on Utilization of Whois Data For Phishing Site Take Down (2008)
- Book: Global Tables of Data Privacy Laws and Bills (Greenleaf, 4rd Edition, January 2015)
- Article: Global data privacy laws 2015: 109 countries, with European laws now a minority (Greenleaf)
- WorldLII Database of National Data Privacy Legislation
- Blog: The EU General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR (Simon Stickley - Capco, 12 May 2016)
Pew Research Center Surveys on Privacy:
Anonymity, Privacy, and Security Online (2013)
What Americans Think About Privacy (2014)
Teens, Social Media, and Privacy (2013)eMarketer Article: Who Do Great Britain's Internet Users Trust with Data? (2016)
Other Input Documents (summary of Background Documents page, repeated here for completeness)