- 18 responses received to date (see https://community.icann.org/download/attachments/63149980/RDS-PDP-NextStepsPoll-Results-6Dec.pdf)
- Disappointing result. Could be a result of no strong feelings on the question? It will be critical for WG members to participate in a timely manner in the polls that are conducted. These polls are to facilitate work in between meetings and allow for progress to be made. Polls are designed to be short and easy to respond to.
- Small sample, not enough to make firm decisions but nevertheless strong support to make some adjustments to the methodology.
- Leadership team has been trying to get as much input as possible from the WG, but has been having difficulty getting input from WG members. Leadership team has now come to the conclusion it may work better if it is more directive instead of spending weeks discussing process which hasn't proven to be productive. However, WG is always able and welcome to provide feedback and input on process.
- Leadership team to present proposed adjustments to process during today's meeting as a path forward.
- One question poll
Introduce proposed key concepts approach
Meeting Materials: