1) Roll call/SOI updates
2) Final text of problem statement circulated and posted
3) Work plan status update
4) Continue review of example use cases:
18- Business Intelligence (Elaine Pruis)
23- Business DNs - Mergers and Acquisitions (Beth Allegretti)
24- Business DNs - Bankruptcy Asset Purchase/Sale (Marina Lewis)
22- Find Domains Registered by Miscreant (Rod Rasmussen)
20- Tech Issue Resolution Examples (Rob Golding, if able to attend)
All posted here: https://community.icann.org/x/JA6bAw
35) Update on ICANN57 plans and travel/visa needs
46) Confirm Next Meeting - Tuesday 6 September 16.00 UTC
- 18- Business Intelligence
- 23- Business DNs - Mergers and Acquisitions
- 24- Business DNs - Purchase/Sale (to be posted)Bankruptcy Asset Purchase
- 22- Find Domains Registered by Miscreant
- 20- Tech Issue Resolution Examples