1) Roll call/SOI updates
2) Pending assignments - progress update
3) Feedback on triage approach to organize possible requirements
4) Begin review of a draft example use case: objectives, Karnika's submission
5) Confirm Next Meeting - Tuesday 2 August
Apologies: Olevie Kouami, Michele Neylon, Jim Galvin, Richard Padilla,Vlad Dinculescu, Andrew Sullivan, Marika Konings (staff), Farell Folly, Nathalie Coupet
On audio only: None
Meeting Materials:
- PR List Sign Up Sheet: https://community.icann.org/x/shOOAw
- Draft Use Case List and Template: https://community.icann.org/x/JA6bAw
- RDSPDPWGExampleUseCases-260716.pdf (as of 26 July before call)
- Perrin Comments on Triage Draft v6.docx (UPDATED)
- 06 Obtain domain name holder details for legal action.docx
- Additional use cases submitted 25 July: