Joining Late: Sara Bockey
On audio only: Beth Allegretti
Reference Documents
15.30 – 16.15 UTC Data Sub-Team
16.15 – 17.00 UTC Privacy Sub-Team
17.00 – 17.45 UTC Purpose Sub-Team
Charter Questions:
Throughout this three-phase process, the many inter-related questions that must (at minimum) be addressed by the PDP include:
Users/Purposes: Who should have access to gTLD registration data and why (i.e., for what purposes)?
Gated Access: What steps should be taken to control data access for each user/purpose?
Data Accuracy: What steps should be taken to improve data accuracy?
Data Elements: What data should be collected, stored, and disclosed?
Privacy: What steps are needed to protect data and privacy?
Coexistence: What steps should be taken to enable next-generation RDS coexistence with and replacement of the legacy WHOIS system?
Compliance: What steps are needed to enforce these policies?
System Model: What system requirements must be satisfied by any next- generation RDS implementation?
Cost: What costs will be incurred and how must they be covered?
Benefits: What benefits will be achieved and how will they be measured?
Risks: What risks do stakeholders face and how will they be reconciled?
Apologies: Tjabbe Bos, Holly Raiche, Benny Nordreg, Benny Samuelson, Iliya Bazlyankov
Audio Only:
For the latest versions of the check lists and summaries, please see https://community.icann.org/x/p4xlAw.
Membership of the sub-teams: https://community.icann.org/x/DDCAAw
Purpose sub-team
Draft response includes documents identified as most relevant on the email list and why, as a starting point for discussion in this call.
Correct A29 references and add A29 3/2013 and Green and White papers to the list. Need to ensure that the A29 docs listed are those directly relevant to purpose. (believed they are)
Additional input documents are welcome at any time during the PDP, but we do need to wrap up this input inventory this week to return to full WG mode and the PDP WG's work plan
Purpose team volunteers asked to take a look at the consolidated summaries (posted to mailing list and also on wiki at https://community.icann.org/x/p4xlAw) to identify any excepts that need further summarizing and bullet points to tie input to relevance to question addressed by this team
Team members may also wish to cross-check the list of input documents to ensure that the end user's expectations, fears, reactions, etc, are encompasses within inputs identified - if not, note this as a gap
Team will continue discussion on email list and come to conclusions about answers to questions by Friday of this week for discussion with full WG during next week's full WG call