- Roll call / SOIs
- Review of WG membership & expertise update
- Review and discuss draft work plan approach (see attached)
- Discuss proposed outreach to SO/AC/SG/Cs to solicit early input
- ICANN meeting in Marrakech F2F meeting (see http://doodle.com/poll/7f9h9spwwmys26c5)
- Confirm next steps and next meeting:1 March at 16.00 UTC
Apologies: Wendy Seltzer, Holly Raiche, Jennifer Standiford, Stefania Milan, Carlton Samuels, Andrew Sullivan, Steve Metalitz, Christopher Hagstrom , Liz Williams (tentative), Scott Hollenbeck, Alan Greenberg, Iliya Bazlyankov, Greg Aaron, Wanawit Ahkuputra, Ayden Férdeline, Farell Folly, Dev Anand Teelucksingh, Don Blumenthal