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1. Roll Call / SOI
- Reminder to complete and keep up to date SOIs. Note that staff has started to downgrade those members that have not provided SOIs despite several reminders to observer status. As soon as an SOI has been completed, their status as members will be reinstated.
2. Review of WG membership & expertise update
- Reps from small team to provide update on their work to date and solicit WG input.
3. Review and discuss draft work plan
4. Review and discuss proposed outreach to SO/AC/SG/Cs to solicit early input
5. ICANN meeting in Marrakech F2F meeting
- Review feedback received on doodle poll (see http://doodle.com/poll/7f9h9spwwmys26c5)
- Responses to date: 44 will attend in person, 20 are planning to participate remotely and 5 are not able to attend.
6. Confirm next steps and next meeting
- Next meeting to be scheduled for 1 March at 16.00 UTC – note, Chuck will not be available to chair
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