Adobe Connect Replay
mp3 Replay
- Welcome
- Review Agenda
- Administrative Minute (SOI’s, Audio or Phone Number Participants)
- Resolve Remaining Open Items in Report (See chart for details)
- Review revised text regarding other related sanctions(now infootnote).
- Confirm revised recommendation on choosing from Choice of Law Menu.
- Section describing Work of Subgroup after Report sent to Plenary now accepted into Report.
- Review proposed new text about adding “Further Discussion of Jurisdiction-Related Concerns” to Report.
- 4.1. Consider proposal to add text about Comments regarding further jurisdiction-related discussions.
- Review revised version of proposed paragraph on importance of OFAC Sanctions recommendations.
- Stress Tests now accepted into Report.
- Review proposed “friendly amendment” to ST #1.
- Steps needed to submit revised Subgroup Report to Plenary on 2 March
- Adjourn
Raw Captioning Notes
Disclaimer: This rough edit transcript, which may contain missing, misspelled or paraphrased words, is only provided for your immediate review and is not certified as verbatim and is not to be cited in any way.