Sub-group members: Avri Doria, David McAuley, Michael Karanicolas, Ricardo Holmquist.
Observers and guests:
Staff: Bernard Turcotte, Patrick Dodson, Yvette Guigneaux. (Tina Steveson - captioner)
Apologies: Julf Helsingius, Herb Waye, Cheryl Langdon-Orr.
** If your name is missing from the attendance or apology, please send note to acct-staff@icann.org **
- Word Doc
1. Updates Re: Chris’ Departure
2. Phone Call with Sam Eisner
- Duty to Document
- Attorney Client Privilege
- Open Contracting
- Confidential Business Information
3. The Avenue Forward
Raw Captioning Notes
(Please note: These are the unofficial transcripts. Official transcripts will be posted 2-3 days after the call)
Documents shared on call
Action Items
Yvette Guigneaux: Welcome all to the Transparency Meeting #9 | 23 May 2017 @ 19: 00 UTC!
Yvette Guigneaux: If you are not speaking, please mute your phone by pressing *6 (star 6). To unmute press *6. This call is recorded.
Yvette Guigneaux: Reminder to all, please state your name before speaking for the Captioner.
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: hello all
David McAuley (RySG): joining as 4154
Yvette Guigneaux: hi David - copy that, thank you
David McAuley (RySG): i like to lurk as 4154
Yvette Guigneaux: LOL
David McAuley (RySG): thanks bernie
avri doria: not just a path going forward but an avenue. that is exciting.
David McAuley (RySG): yes
Yvette Guigneaux: yes we hear you - all good
David McAuley (RySG): good catch Avri
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: only 4 participants - so not meeting the 55 rule
David McAuley (RySG): right, good for updates, thanks Bernie
David McAuley (RySG): Normally i say yes but swamped now, cannot do
David McAuley (RySG): thanks Michael - good idea to offer on list
David McAuley (RySG): that is good news - about a good converstaion with Sam on these issues
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: Michael will we have a meeting on Wednesday 31 May 1300UTC
David McAuley (RySG): not here - want to hear further frm Sam
David McAuley (RySG): Good way to put it - are there issues to consider, not that ther are such issues
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: 20 jUNE 1300
Ricardo Holmquist: mid to late june is icann59
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: nO REQUIREMENT
David McAuley (RySG): OK - just wondered
avri doria: just loging ones job should not stop them from co-rapproteuring.
avri doria: a lot of us don't really have jobs.
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: agree
David McAuley (RySG): ok thanks, sounds fair
David McAuley (RySG): thanks for updates
avri doria: in fact not having a job sometimes makes it easier to find the time.
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: No worries just offering
David McAuley (RySG): good idea
David McAuley (RySG): none here
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: all good
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: see you in one week
Ricardo Holmquist: thanks for the updates!
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: bye
David McAuley (RySG): Thanks all, nice to have the updates
David McAuley (RySG): good bye