Sub-group Members: Andreea Brambilla, Avri Doria, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Elizabeth Andrews, Fiona Asonga, Julia Charvolen, Julie Hammer, Sebastien Bachollet
Observers/Guests: Track Hackshaw
Staff: Bernard Turcotte, Karen Mulberry, Yvette Guigneaux
** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to acct-staff@icann.org **
mp3 Replay
1. Roll Call
2. Review of Actions items
- FA – Publish a draft schedule of meetings to the end of June to the Diversity list for comments. Then publish final to complete Interpretation request.
- FA – Post a request for volunteers to join the Recommendations drafting group.
3. Work plan with regards to plenary feedback
4. AOB
Notes (including relevant portions of chat):
Notes (includes relevant text from chat):
9 Participants at start of call.
1. Roll Call
2. Status of Action Items
Fiona Asonga - both completed. Review of participants to the drafting team.
Bernard Turcotte – Co-Chairs have made the request to ICANN for interpretation of Diversity meetings. Please note that within a few weeks all CCWG-Accountability meeting will have English captioning at least until the end of June 2017.
3. Work plan with regards to plenary feedback
Fiona Asonga - We have been asked to reconsider when we publish the questionnaire by the co-chairs. We should post the questionnaire to receive general input as well as to the SOACs.
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: 42 days for public comments
Julie Hammer (SSAC): Could we ask for 42 days, even though not a public comment, recognising that we cannot dictate.
avri doria: if we can't impose a date, then any date we suggest should be fine
Fiona Asonga - would recommend 42 days for responses to questionnaire. Should we translate?
Julia Charvolen: The question came from the LAC region in the GAC. One of the GAC representatives from the LAC region proposed to translate the questionnaire in Spanish.
Julia Charvolen: The GAC Leadership asked the question about the questionnaire being translated
Amal Al-Saqqaf: I don't think so
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO) 2: I always support translations
Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: i think before their answer so their members need to understand the questionnaire
Julie Hammer (SSAC): Is it an option to post the English version first and follow up with translations?
Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: in their language (French ...)
avri doria: ummm, once we start to translate, one can wonder why discriminate against any language.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO) 2: FR ES EN as a min, best if can be 6 UN if possible plus Portuguese
Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: we need to show the diversity that we defend now
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO) 2: do remember we are the DIVERSITY WG
avri doria: otherwise it can look like we only care about diversity of some non english speakers
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO) 2: yup
avri doria: i.e. wee work in parallel?
Amal Al-Saqqaf: agree with that but it depends on the plan of the diversity subgroup deadlines
avri doria: of course taking a sevral month vaca from diversity work, can work as well.
Andreea Brambilla: Agreed, we incorporate responses as they come in. But final responses will be required to confirm status quo, views of SOs/ACs etc
Julie Hammer - work in parallel is what we have committed to do and makes sense given timing.
Fiona Asonga - any objections/ (none). So the drafting team will clean up the document which will give time to have 3 readings and the readjust the document. Once everyone is comfortable we can send it to the plenary.
Bernard Turcotte - Staff can assist with editing the document if the team wishes.
4. A.O.B
Fiona Asonga - Any AOB's? (none) Adjourned.
- Request the Co-Chairs send the questionnaire to the SOACs in English ASAP requesting a response in 42 days.
- Request the Co-Chairs publish the questionnaire similarly to the Jurisdiction questionnaire in all the ICANN languages + Portuguese requesting a response in 42 days from the date of publishing.
- The Diversity sub-group will not interrupt its work on publishing a draft set of recommendations for June 2017 while the questionnaire is active.
Action Items:
- Fiona Asonga – to write to Co-Chairs requesting publication of the questionnaire per the decisions on this.
- Fiona Asonga – to write to drafting group to clean up current draft to begin work with the objective of completing a first draft for public comment by ICANN59.
Diversity meetings to the end of June
o Friday 31 March 1900
o Thursday 6 April 1300
o Thursday 13 April 1300
o Thursday 20 April 1300
o Wednesday 26 April 1300
o Thursday 4 May 1300
o Friday 12 May 1300
o Thursday 18 May 1300
o Thursday 25 May 1300
o Thursday 1 June 1300
o Thursday 8 June 1900
o Thursday 15 June 1900
o Thursday 22 June 1900
Documents Presented