Sub-group Members: Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong, Alan Greenberg, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Herb Waye, Jeff Neuman, Jordan Carter, Julf Helsingius, Klaus Stoll, Pam Little, Philip Corwin (10)
Observers/Guests: Beth Bacon
Staff: Bernie Turcotte, Brenda Brewer
Apologies: Avri Doria
** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to acct-staff@icann.org **
- Word Doc
1. Intro: agenda review, attendance, SOI check
2. Detailed discussion-seeking feedback on working draft Document A v 1.3
- Document, open to comments and suggested edits, can be found at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wGRrJZ-i7WA0uYBIHaB5Q3ssqfRmbAcgHJwlQ6scHZY/edit
- Marked up from previous version at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wXuZw-VFeMLT3B5UHLU_nY1SWyzp6-VLeVZF1FY0UDk/edit
3. Initial discussion / seeking feedback on First Draft Document B
- Avri is rapporteur on this document
- Available: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UnkJuukv0px-CfIDgLrjdDZa2CpBvSahPvAXdYYTeHk/edit[docs.google.com]
4. Volunteers for response to Staff Questions
- Avri has prepared a document for answers to
- the questions that staff asked the group, available at:
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ELuw6i3mGAjnZBe0Vc_lraNQrWw5m_I6UyipEHaRJxc/edit[docs.google.com] - Who would like to volunteer to draft some further answers?
5. Schedule check
6. AOB
(11 participants at start of call)
1. Intro: agenda review, attendance, SOI check
Jordan Carter: Avri Doria will not be able to join the call today.
2. Detailed discussion-seeking feedback on working draft Document A v 1.3Document, open to comments and suggested edits,
Jordan Carter: JC,AD and KS have cleaned up the document from the 5th of Jauary - still needs a lot of tidying up to get it to first reading. Asking participants to post comments on the clean version of the the Google doc https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wGRrJZ-i7WA0uYBIHaB5Q3ssqfRmbAcgHJwlQ6scHZY/edit#heading=h.gjdgxs
Klaus Stoll: Would ask everyone to read the document and comment so we can go into a final editing.
Jordan Carter: (presentation of the structure document).
Klaus Stoll: The first three sections are a rehash of existing document - as such asking a reader to go through 6 pages of introduction - so maybe we could bring our recommendations more at the beginning could be better.
Jordan Carter: If a good idea we should be clear about what is standard and what is editorial from us. Anything on the Role Descriptions? (none). Anything on relationships?
Pam Little: 1.3.1 Root or just the DNS?
Jordan Carter: we should use standard language.
Jeff Neuman: Community does not implement policy - is this correct and we should note the gNSO work on this.
Jordan Carter: please share that link. So the language is not quite right yet. Back to Relationships section 2.
Jeff Neuman: I will try to find a good reference
Jordan Carter: Section 3 - any comments.
Pam Little: second para - ending - "some important differences" could be removed as we are talking about similarities here.
Jordan Carter: Section 4 - this needs quite a bit ot tightening up. this gets close to the scope of this group and should be looked at in this light. Section 5 - Recommendations - I disagree with the financial indepence recommendation (registries and registrars should not fund ICANN).
Pam Little: @Jeff - ICANN provided a detailed response to our questions.
Jeff Neuman: I agree with removal of that bullet point
Alan Greenberg: how would this funding recommendation work?
Klaus Stoll: This financial relationship sometimes leads to conflicts and so we should look at better way to fund us to avoid this.
Jeff Neuman: @Klaus - But you are assuming there is a problem
Jeff Neuman: where is the evidence of that?
Alan Greenberg: Agree there is an issue but would not resolve it this way. This resolution makes no sense as is.
Klaus Stoll: If we do the second part we would be out of the scope of this sub-group.
Jordan Carter: There is something there that could put pressure on staff to dealing with those participants who fund the company.
Alan Greenberg: No problem with identifying the issue but the recommendation does not make sense.
Jeff Neuman: We need to identify sources of information for sections 1 and 2 - otherwise causes confusion for the reader.
Jordan Carter: the original longer version of this did have that and we have to bring some of that back.
Phil Corwin: Agree that the financial recommendation does not make sense. Second the funds to come from registrants up though registrars and registrants. The funds are used to get a variety of participants in ICANN. We need a document that will identify remedies for issues with staff.
Jordan Carter: That is for document A.
Klaus Stoll: It would be good to make these comments in the documents would be very helpful.
Jordan Carter: reminder to participants to please read and comment the document.
3. Initial discussion / seeking feedback on First Draft Document B - Avri is rapporteur on this
Jordan Carter: Waiting for access to documents.
Bernard Turcotte: Staff should have a response on thiss by the end of next week.
Jordan Carter: We will not go into detail on this document here while we wait for access to the ICANN documents which would inform our work in drafting this further.
4. Volunteers for response to Staff QuestionsAvri has prepared a document for answers to the questions that staff asked the group
Jordan Carter: Who would like to volunteer to draft some further answers?
Klaus Stoll: The answer to these questions are mostly in sections 4 and 5 of our document. I could spend some time to attempt a draft answer for us to consider.
Jordan Carter: Great thanks.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): we need to send / resend the links to docs again to our
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): list with reminder to contribute
5. Schedule check
Jordan Carter: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ftd-Ps_qF46pf_iXf5foGjdUfCq64-St_43inFetDN0/edit --- this is our Next Steps
Jordan Carter: We are running a little late vs this schedule. We may not have docs A and B to the plenary prior to Copenhagen but should have one ready for Copenhagen.
6. AOB
- Jordan Carter: AOB (none) – Adjourned
Action Items:
- Participants to read A and B document by EOB Monday and provide comments for drafting team- JC to send reminder to list.
- Staff to provide answer to sub-group on access to documents by 27 January 2017.
- Klaus Stoll to draft answers to Staff Questions for consideration by group by 27 Janaury 2017.
Action Items
- Participants to read A and B document by EOB Monday and provide comments for drafting team- JC to send reminder to list.
- Staff to provide answer to sub-group on access to documents by 27 January 2017.
- Klaus Stoll to draft answers to Staff Questions for consideration by group by 27 Janaury 2017.
Documents Presented
- CLEANCOPYStaffAcct-DocA-workingdraft.docx.pdf
- StaffAcct-DocB.pdf
- ResponsetoStaffQuestions.pdf
- ProposednextstepsforStaffAccountabilityWS2.pdf
Chat Transcript
Brenda Brewer: (1/19/2017 10:42) Good day and welcome to Staff Accountability Subgroup Meeting #8 on 19 January 2017 @ 19:00 UTC!
Julf Helsingius: (10:56) Good evening!
Jordan Carter: (10:58) hi all!
Julf Helsingius: (10:58) Bernard: your mic gain is pretty high
George Sadowsky: (10:58) hello
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: (10:59) @Juf - ok
Jordan Carter: (11:00) hi all, we'll kick off in one minute
Herb Waye Ombuds: (11:00) Greetings all...
Julf Helsingius: (11:00) Bernard: was just getting a bit distorted
Julf Helsingius: (11:00) Must be getting interesting for those of you based in DC...
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (11:07) so sorry ð to be late
Jordan Carter: (11:08) welcome cheryl
Jeff Neuman: (11:14) What is the source for all of Section 1
Jeff Neuman: (11:16) I will try to find a good reference
Pam Little: (11:23) @Jeff - ICANN provided a detailed response to our questions.
Jeff Neuman: (11:23) I agree with removal of that bullet point
Jeff Neuman: (11:25) @Klaus - But you are assuming there is a problem
Jeff Neuman: (11:25) where is the evidence of that?
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: (11:29) time check 30 minutes left in call
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (11:31) exactly Phil
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (11:32) and support does not mean behold
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (11:33) beholden to in s Transparency model that is effective it can be demonstrated as independent
Jordan Carter: (11:33) yeah - if you could add a comment in B doc that would be awesome
Jeff Neuman: (11:39) I agree....hard to comment on the spot
Alan Greenberg: (11:39) URL for Doc B?
Jeff Neuman: (11:40) Thanks Jordan!
Alan Greenberg: (11:40) Thanks Chat transcript an easy way to find it.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (11:41) we need to send / resend the links to docs again to our
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (11:41) list with reminder to contribute
Jordan Carter: (11:43) https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__docs.google.com_document_d_1Ftd-2DPs-5FqF46pf-5FiXf5foGjdUfCq64-2DSt-5F43inFetDN0_edit&d=DwIFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=kbiQDH54980u4nTPfwdloDLY6-6F24x0ArAvhdeDvvc&m=4pdG1Xm1Xav-8EAMjOCjApeX98RNg8BZTjWhzjrs55A&s=P7Ndg0n7Hj1XzT1OISOKTrM-5KyQK9CB0YUfQPzRejU&e= --- this is our Next Steps
Jeff Neuman: (11:43) Is there a link for the questions doc as well?
Jeff Neuman: (11:45) right
Jordan Carter: (11:45) Answers to the staff questions: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__docs.google.com_document_d_1ELuw6i3mGAjnZBe0Vc-5FlraNQrWw5m-5FI6UyipEHaRJxc_edit-23heading-3Dh.22t8xi350my9&d=DwIFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=kbiQDH54980u4nTPfwdloDLY6-6F24x0ArAvhdeDvvc&m=4pdG1Xm1Xav-8EAMjOCjApeX98RNg8BZTjWhzjrs55A&s=a1GZ3sucMwV8ftYp2Mqg6nygfC_wtlIsdjTA9VMQLSA&e=
Jeff Neuman: (11:45) sorry
Jeff Neuman: (11:45) thanks
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (11:46) 7day
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: (11:47) correct
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: (11:49) bye all
Herb Waye Ombuds: (11:49) all the best everyone
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (11:49) bye for now then
Jordan Carter: (11:49) thanks all!
Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: (11:49) thanks and bye