W2 Guidelines Draft v1.1 For Submission to Plenary.pdf
Chat Transcript
Yvette Guigneaux: (1/17/2017 22:57) Welcome all to the WS2 - Guidelines for Good Faith Subgroup,
Meeting #9 | January 18, 2017 @ 19:00 UTC!
Yvette Guigneaux: (22:57) To mute & unmute phone, please press *6
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: (1/18/2017 11:00) hi all
Herb Waye Ombuds: (11:01) Greetings all...
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: (11:02) I will ping him on skype
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: (11:05) Alan finishing another call and will join shortly
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (11:05) Alan will be joining shortly he is on a
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (11:06) another call. Snap Bernie
Yvette Guigneaux: (11:08) report on screen - scrolling available if need be
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (11:12) yup
avri doria: (11:13) what is the importance of the indemnification to these guideline. i do not understand.
avri doria: (11:14) i understand the importance of indemnification. but not sure i under why it affects the guidelines
avri doria: (11:16) ok, got it, thanks
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (11:20) convincing and compare
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (11:21) GRRR compelling not compare
Lito Ibarra: (11:21) Question: It seems to me that the core of the guidelines is in point 1, letter b (list of conditions that should apply). The question is all 6 conditions should apply, not just two or three, right?
Lito Ibarra: (11:22) Thanks
Alan Alan Greenberg: (11:23) Some of those are only if applicable, so they only apply in certain cases
Lito Ibarra: (11:23) That's right
Julf Helsingius: (11:24) I am pretty happy with it as it is
Lito Ibarra: (11:25) Good job. Thanks, Lori and all
Julf Helsingius: (11:25) Absolutely!
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (11:27) good point Herb
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (11:30) thanks Herb keep us posted
Julf Helsingius: (11:34) There are steering wheel adapters for laptops... :)
Alan Greenberg: (11:36) That sounds like a good plan.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (11:36) same laws here Herb, nor use a Mobile other than hands free... thus audio and communicate via audio in via the cars hands free setting
Julf Helsingius: (11:37) I agree . we *have* to have the opinion from legal
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (11:37) Feb it is
avri doria: (11:37) also agree
Julf Helsingius: (11:38) sure!
Yvette Guigneaux: (11:40) Thank you Lori - the notes kudos today goes to Bernie
Julf Helsingius: (11:42) This is a great timeslot for me
avri doria: (11:42) yeah its an ok time
Julf Helsingius: (11:43) My next call is 06:00 am tomorrow
avri doria: (11:43) mine in 17 minutes
Alan Greenberg: (11:43) bye
Lito Ibarra: (11:43) Bye
avri doria: (11:43) later y'all
Herb Waye Ombuds: (11:43) 17 minutes should be enough to bring down 6 bales of hay for the horses...
Julf Helsingius: (11:43) Bue and thanks!
Lori Schulman 2: (11:44) ciao
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: (11:44) bye all