Sub-group Members: Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Christopher Wilkinson, Greg Shatan, Jorge Villa, Julf Helsingius, Kavouss Arasteh (audio only), Seun Ojedeji, Steve DelBianco, Tom Dale, Tristana Webster (10)
Observers/Guests: Taylor RW Bentley
Staff: Karen Mulberry, Larisa Gurnick, Lars Hoffman, Nathalie Vergnolle, Yvette Guigneaux
Apologies: Alan Greenberg, Farzaneh Badii
** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to acct-staff@icann.org **
- Word Doc
mp3 Replay
0. Call Administration (2- 5 min CLO)
1. Review of any AI's from call #13 on December 1st see https://community.icann.org/x/XoTDAw[community.icann.org] (5 min CLO)
2. Updates (5-10 mins) :-
* Expected input from the Survey sent to SO and AC's (5 min CLO)
* Any Sub Team Activities since our last call (3-5 min SDB)
3. Discussion
* Next Steps
- draft recommendation on IRP and its applicability (5-10 min SDB)
- first draft of recommendation of WS2 on MAR . (5-10 min SDB/CLO)
- Review our 2017 activities and timeline (10 min CLO/SDB)
4. Next Meeting and future Meeting schedule (2 Min CLO/Staff)
5. AOB and recap of any AI's (3-5 min CLO)
Documents Presented