Sub-group Members: Beran Dondeh, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Fiona Asonga, Herb Waye, Leon Sanchez, Lousewies van der Laan, Sebastien Bachollet. (7)
Apologies: Pam Little, Dalila Rahmouni
** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to **
Word Doc
- please note: we apologize in advance for any inconvenience due to technical difficulties with recordings.
0. Call Admin and Roll Call
1. Welcome - Opening Remarks
2. Discussion Topics - review second version of strawman:[]
3. AOB
WS2 Diversity Subgroup Mtg #5 | 06 December 2016 @ 13:00 UTC
Notes: (including relevant portions of the chat):
0. Call Admin and Roll Call
Audio Only: Cheryl Langdon-Orr
1. Welcome - Opening Remarks
Version 2 of the straw man document is available on Google Docs.
What do we need to improve on?
What key questions do we need to prepare, to share with the ICANN community?
2. Discussion Topics - review second version of strawman:
2nd version of strawman is available for review here:
Main topics discussed:
- Diversity vs skills
- Special needs / how to accommodate them during ICANN meetings
- Linguistic diversity
- Gender diversity, and the need to distinguish between gender identity and sexual orientation
- Age diversity
- Suggestion to seek feedback from SO/ACs to understand how they have implemented diversity
- Suggestion to address the various groups of ICANN separately
Detailed discussions:
Sebastien would like to raise 2 points:
- Diversity vs skills
- Ask feedback from the SO/ACs to understand how they have implemented diversity,
Fiona: we thought we had captured that point (div vs skill) in section 3.6.
Fiona: the way ICANN meetings are organized is not appropriate for those who are challenged.
Sebastien: we could ask staff what is done on the registration form (is question asked at registration re: special needs) & how they respond to that
Javier Rua-Jovet: I think we should recommend Staff to look into acquiring Braille finger monitors.
Sebastien: the language used is always English. It could be encouraged to use different languages, for example by having rooms with different languages in each.
Javier Rua-Jovet: I supprt Sebastien's views on linguistic diversity.
ICANN has accommodated IDNs, but in meetings, the languages of the IDNs are not spoken.
What effort is being made to translate documents?
Fiona raised a point about gender, and if it should be part of the discussion.
Lousewies: gender should not be binary, we need to include the LGBT community. everyone should feel welcome, and the leadership should reflect that diversity.
Javier: our position should be the most progressive, the most open as possible on the topic of gender.
Lousewies van Der Laan 2: in the notes, I would be grateful if a clear distinction could be made between gender identity on the one hand and sexual orientation on the other period they are two distinct matters period someone can identify as a woman and be in a relationship with a man and would therefore not to self identify as gay.
Javier Rua-Jovet: Agree completely with Lousewies on gender vs sexual orientation.
Fiona: we need to identify which components of diversity are the most important, which ones are measurable, and which aren't.
Javier would also like to speak on the issue of age (section 2.4). 2.4 seems to talk only about young people ("from Millenial through to the next generation"), we should also include old people.
Sebastien: there is no public data on age of community members. When I was on the board, there was reluctance from the board to include younger people. Inexperienced people can be trained, but we can't change who we are, so skill is not as important as diversity.
Julie: different aspects of diversity are different in each context. Each group within ICANN should define which aspects of diversity are of importance to them.
Fiona: we need to think of ways to engage with the various groups of the community on this.
Lousewies van Der Laan 2: I also think it is helpful to make a distinction between areas where we would like I see a NN to be inclusive, areas where we would like to encourage more people to be active and areas where we expect a certain kind of balance in the leadership for example
3. AOB
• Fiona will regroup with Rafik and Leon after this call to take in consideration all the comments received.
• 2 more calls before the end of this year.
• Attendance was low today, hopefully it will catch up again.
Documents Presented
Chat Transcript
Yvette Guigneaux: Welcome all to the WS2 Diversity Subgroup Mtg #5 | 06 December 2016 @ 13:00 UTC!
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): audio
Yvette Guigneaux: copy that Cheryl
Javier Rua-Jovet: Hello to all. I'm Javier, new ALAC North America (by NomCom).
Yvette Guigneaux: Scrolling available now if needed
Yvette Guigneaux: Please remember to mute your phone if you're not speaking - *6 to unmute
Yvette Guigneaux: Hello Javier, welcome. There was some background noise on the line so it was muted, *6 will unmute your line, feel free to speak =)
Javier Rua-Jovet: Ok
Javier Rua-Jovet: I think we should reommend Staff to look into aqcuiring Braille finger monitors.
Javier Rua-Jovet: I supprt Sebastien's views on linguistic diversity.
Javier Rua-Jovet: Apoyo la opinion de Sebastian sobre diversidad linguistica. ;)
Sebastien (ALAC): Gracias Javier ;)
Sebastien (ALAC): Javier you even translate my name ;)
Javier Rua-Jovet: Yep.
Sebastien (ALAC): And in French is Sébastien
Yvette Guigneaux: Sebastien- can you see the Adobe Room as well?
Sebastien (ALAC) 2: No Yvette
Sebastien (ALAC) 2: But I have join in another window
Yvette Guigneaux: time alert - 30 minutes to go
Sebastien (ALAC) 2: And now it is OK
Yvette Guigneaux: ok would you like to speak after Javier? ok with you?
Sebastien (ALAC) 2: Yes of course
Yvette Guigneaux: perfect, merci beaucoup
Lousewies van Der Laan 2: it was interesting that for the India visa application there was the option: male, female, other.
Javier Rua-Jovet: Sebastien is first.
Lousewies van Der Laan 2: the cultures that respect what is sometimes called "third gender" or non-binary are very diverse.
Yvette Guigneaux: Lousewies - is that an old hand or a new hand up for you?
Sebastien (ALAC) 2: Give July the floor
Sebastien (ALAC) 2: first please
Sebastien (ALAC) 2: new voice
Lousewies van Der Laan 2: I lowered it, sorry
Sebastien (ALAC) 2: Julie you come for few seconds
Sebastien (ALAC) 2: Diversity of point of view is very important
Yvette Guigneaux: Julie - can you hear and see the Adobe Room?
Javier Rua-Jovet: down
Yvette Guigneaux: is that a new hand Sebastien?
Sebastien (ALAC) 2: No
Yvette Guigneaux: ok, just checking, merci
Lousewies van Der Laan 2: in the notes, I would be grateful if a clear distinction could be made between gender identity on the one hand and sexual orientation on the other period they are two distinct matters period someone can identify as a woman and be in a relationship with a man and would therefore not to self identify as gay
Javier Rua-Jovet: Agree complrtrly with Lousewies on gender vs sexual orientation.
Javier Rua-Jovet: completely
Sebastien (ALAC) 2: You are very breaking Julie
Julie Hammer (SSAC): Each groups within ICANN should define which aspects of diversity are of importance,
FIONA ASONGA: Julie can you type your comments in the chat
Julie Hammer (SSAC): I have been typign comments but not coming through
Leon Sanchez 2: Now we can't hear you again Julie
Yvette Guigneaux: we hear you now Julie - but your mic is breaking up a bit periodically
Julie Hammer (SSAC): Sorry about that!
Yvette Guigneaux: its ok, sometimes mics malfunction
Julie Hammer (SSAC): Exactly, Fiona!
Yvette Guigneaux: feel free to type your comments Julie, and it can be noted that way
Yvette Guigneaux: Time Note - 10 minutes left
Julie Hammer (SSAC): Thanks, Yvette. My comments were not coming through when I typed them either.
Julie Hammer (SSAC): Fiona has summarised very well.
Lousewies van Der Laan 2: I also think it is helpful to make a distinction between areas where we would like I see a NN to be inclusive, areas where we would like to encourage more people to be active and areas where we expect a certain kind of balance in the leadership for example
Lousewies van Der Laan 2: ICANN
Javier Rua-Jovet: We are competing with IGF!
Javier Rua-Jovet: Bye to all.
Lousewies van Der Laan 2: yes, good discussions here, also on diversity
Lousewies van Der Laan 2: bye