Staff: Berry Cobb, Karen Mulberry, Nathalie Vergnolle, Tristana Webster, Yvette Guigneaux
Apologies: George Sadowsky
** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to acct-staff@icann.org **
- Word Doc
mp3 Replay:
Intro: agenda review, attendance, SOI check
Review Mandate
Review of where we are
Discuss outcomes from Hyderabad
Discuss recent changes and how they contribute to our task
Status of document requests
Review of what we need to get done and how we will get it done.
- Schedule and can we still meet the short track schedule
Notes (including relevant portions of the chat):
- Intro stuff: agenda review, attendance, SOI check
- Apologies received from Jordan Carter & George Sadowsky
- Roll call will be taken from the AC room
- Agenda approved
- No SOI updates
- Review mandate
- Reviewed mandate from Annex12
- Review of where we are
- Formal request for documentation made, stll pending
- Had initial discussion with Goran in F2F in HYD
- Jordan & Avri have discussed basis for cooperation between Staff and Community, and are preparing a write-up of those discussions to share with the group asap
- Denise: Do we have more details on how/when Goran is planning to document staff's role?
- Avri: Should be part of the answers we are waiting to receive from ICANN
- Greg: general message I heard from Goran is that the staff is here to serve/support the community. Performance reviews is a key point for this group to deal with.
- Alan Greenberg: Performance reviews of people who are here to serve the volunteer community, but with no input from the volunteer community, is :"interesting"
- Jeff Neumann would like to bring up another point. It feels that sometimes staff are at a loss and don't know what their path forward is. It is frustrating when something needs to be implemented and doesn't get implemented by ICANN staff.
- We need answers on what exists, in order to review and further discuss.
- Pam Little: Could we get a commitment when our questions will be answered?
- Phil Corwin would like to bring up another point: means for GDD staff tio be sensitized to policy implications of certain contract negotiating positions and a procedure for them to inform policy staff and GNSO Council in advance to gather feedback on impact and appropriateness.
- Review of what we need to get done and how we will get it done.
- Avri presented next steps per her presentation
- Reviewed the Staff Acct dashboard slide, that will be updated monthly.
- Schedule and can we still meet the short track schedule
- Avri thought the group was on the longer track, but for now the group is on the shorter track.
- Seems difficult to meet the shorter track timeline, given the remaining work.
- Alan, Greg, Cheryl agree the group cannot meet the shorter schedule.
- Robin Gross: There are so many different ongoing working groups going on right now. It is just not possible to get it all done on the timeline ICANN wants.
- No AOB.
Documents Presented
Chat Transcript
Yvette Guigneaux: Welcome all to the WS2 - Staff Accountability Subgroup | Meeting #5 | 1 December 2016 @ 19: 00 UTC!
Yvette Guigneaux: When not speaking, kindly mute your phone. Use *6 to unmute.
Herb Waye Ombuds: Greetings folks....
Greg Shatan: I apologize for my prior lack of attendance.
Yvette Guigneaux: I unfortunately do not
Philip Corwin: 5316 is my phone
Yvette Guigneaux: please identify for the record
Yvette Guigneaux: got you Philip - noted
Yvette Guigneaux: thanks for that
Denise Michel: Denise Michel is on -6597
Yvette Guigneaux: noted Denise - thank you
Yvette Guigneaux: sync set, scrolling available if needed
Karen Mulberry: Sorry on listen only
Karen Mulberry: The questions asked by the group are being worked on
Denise Michel 2: What's the timing, Karen?
Karen Mulberry: I don't have a specific date right now
Denise Michel 2: Would be good to have one. Thanks
Yvette Guigneaux: now we hear you, thanks =)
Karen Mulberry: ICANN is in the middle of performance reviews and that is causing a bit of a delay in getting eveything together
Alan Greenberg: Performance reviews of people who are here to serve the volunteer community, but with no input from the volunteer community, is : "interesting"
Greg Shatan: Still in the middle of the stream....
Yvette Guigneaux: We are getting an echo - please if you're listening in via cellphone, please turn down your computer speakers so there is no echo
Greg Shatan: But it is a key point for this group to deal with.
Greg Shatan: If you call it a 360 review, it may go down more easily.
Greg Shatan: 360 degree review, that is.
Jeff Neuman: I have a separate issue
Alan Greenberg: In my mind, the fact that WE have to raise it tells us a lot.
Greg Shatan: I think we are part of the 360. But we could always call it a 720 review....
Jeff Neuman: and making sure the community knows where to go when aggrieved
Jeff Neuman: or they feel like they are aggrieved
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO) 2: indeed Jeff
Philip Corwin: Per notes and for the record, my comment was on means for GDD staff tio be sensitized to policy implications of certain contract negotiating positions and a procedure for them to inform policy staff and GNSO Council in advance to gather feedback on impact and appropriateness
Nathalie Vergnolle: The participation rate has been removed from the stats.
Nathalie Vergnolle: We are working on a dashboard wiki page. Will be more simple to find the dashboard in the future.
Robin Gross: There are so many different ongoing working groups going on right now. It is just not possible to get it all done on the timeline ICANN wants.
Jeff Neuman: And to be frank, for a lot of us who are volunteering our time to ICANN, this work is not necessarily the topr priority
Jeff Neuman: No offence
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO) 2: So true!
Pam Little: Could we get a commitment when our questions will be answered?
Jeff Neuman: No, keeping you in the job is a worse punishment ;)
Greg Shatan: Working to a more appropriate schedule actually makes it easier to stick to a plan.
Greg Shatan: Might dock your pay, though....
Karen Mulberry: I will work to provide you a response early next week
Karen Mulberry: as to a date when the response can be provided
Pam Little: Thank you Karen.
Greg Shatan: Nothin' from nothin' leaves nothin'....
Karen Mulberry: response to the questions
Greg Shatan: I'm an optimist.
Julf Helsingius: Thanks, Avri!
Philip Corwin: Bye all
Jeff Neuman: thanks
Nathalie Vergnolle: Bye all
Robin Gross: Thanks Avri. Bye all!
Greg Shatan: Thanks and bye!
Karen Mulberry: Thank you