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Sub-group Members:   


 Alain Bidron, , Andrew Harris, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Claudio Lucena, Corinne Cath, David McAuley, Finn Petersen, Greg Shatan, Griffin Barnett, Herb Waye, Jean-Jacques Subrenat, Jeff Neuman, Jorge Cancio, Mike Silber, Pedro da Silva, Philip Corwin, Rafael Perez Galindo, Tatiana Tropina, , Tijani BEN JEMAA.  (19)

Observers:  Amrita Choudhury, Taylor RW Bentley, Veni Markovski.  (3)

Staff:  Brenda Brewer, Bernard Turcotte, Karen Mulberry, Yvette Guigneaux.  (4)

Apologies:  Paul McGrady Vinay Kesari.  (2)

** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to **


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CCWG-Accountability | Work Stream 2 | Jurisdiction Subgroup Meeting #6
October 5 2016

1. Welcome

2. Scope of our Work

3. Is the Possibility of Moving ICANN’s Place of Incorporation or Headquarters Location from California in Scope?

4. Confirming and Assessing the Gap Analysis
a. “Gap” analyzed in Work Stream 1
b. Result of Gap Analysis in Work Stream 1
c. How should we confirm the Work Stream 1 Gap Analysis?

5. Multiple Layers of Jurisdiction

6. Other Potential Inputs to our Work.
a. Pertinent Literature (influenced by Scope)
b. Experts/Legal Advice


Documents Presented

Multiple Layers of Jurisdiction.pdf


Chat Transcript


Yvette Guigneaux: Good day and welcome to the WS2 - Jursidiction Subgroup Meeting #6 | Wednesday, 05 October 16| 13:00 UTC!


Pedro da Silva - [GAC Brasil]: Hello everyone!


jorge cancio (GAC Switzerland): hi there!


Brenda Brewer: Yes, Jean-Jacques, we hear you.


David McAuley: Hi Brenda, I am 4154


David McAuley: Good morning all


Bernard Turcotte: hello all


Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): hi


Pedro da Silva - [GAC Brasil]: Hi Brenda, I am 6609


Jean-Jacques Subrenat: Hi All.


jorge cancio (GAC Switzerland): @Pedro: almost 666


Herb Waye Ombuds: Good morning everyone


Pedro da Silva - [GAC Brasil]: @Jorge: LOL...what do you mean?


jorge cancio (GAC Switzerland): @Pedro: oh, no... nothing, really...


Pedro da Silva - [GAC Brasil]: :-D


Jean-Jacques Subrenat: Is this meeting due to start at 13:00 UTC?


Mike Silber: it was JJ


Philip Corwin: I am the 5316 number


jorge cancio (GAC Switzerland): Is there any new proposal on the scope of our work? We still have Annex 12 approved by the community in Marrakech - that should be our basis...


David McAuley: Annex 12, paragraph 30 seems pretty clear: At this point WS2’s focus should be on the settlement of dispute jurisdiction issues – in that effort we should include confirming and assessing not the “gap” but the “gap analysis” –meaning, IMO, the provisions we have put in place for dispute resolutions – will they/do they work?


Jean-Jacques Subrenat: For item 3 on our agenda, I will refer to a document of which I was a co-author, "Improving Institutional Confidence of ICANN", see


jorge cancio (GAC Switzerland): I feel the discussion on scope gets us into a circle... until we do not tackle the issues potentially under the scope agreed in Marrakech we won't see whether they are or not off-limits


jorge cancio (GAC Switzerland): audio is low


Bernard Turcotte: very faint


Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): no audio on phne bridge at all


Tatiana Tropina: It feels quite good - you miss the couple of calls due to the tight travel schedule, and here we go - moving headquarters, not moving headquarters. My opinion stays the same - this is comletely out of scope.


jorge cancio (GAC Switzerland): we should aknowledge reality and move headquarters to adobe space


Tatiana Tropina: Jorge, a rare case when I agree with you :D


Tatiana Tropina: awwww I hope digital means Adobe connect space (lame attemp to joke)


Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): if the AC S was more stable Jorge I would agree ;-)


Tatiana Tropina: Cheryl, nothing is stable, nothing in this world


jorge cancio (GAC Switzerland): @CLO: if it were stable it wouln't be fun...


David McAuley: very feint sounds


Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): :-)


Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): thought it was feedback sunds briefly


Yvette Guigneaux: We heard you for a minute there Jean-Jacques, then faded again - working on getting IT involved to troubleshoot


Bernard Turcotte: Voice is clear on Adobe but not on phone bridge


jorge cancio (GAC Switzerland): @staff: the proposal of moving to adobe is a joke and should logically not be on the notes :-)


Bernard Turcotte: AND IS NOT


Tatiana Tropina: Is it Greg speaking now?


Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): OK in the AC only not good for the record


Rafael Perez Galindo (GAC Spain): Am I the only one hearing Jean jacques??


Tatiana Tropina: Am lost and dunno whom to listen to


Tatiana Tropina: I heard both, speaking at the same time


David McAuley: Rafael - I could not hear him


Tatiana Tropina: but am not on the phone bridge (travelling)


Jean-Jacques Subrenat: 2 remarks:


Yvette Guigneaux: It appears some on the listening bridge only can hear Jean-Jacques but those on AC visual cannot, my apologies Jean-Jacques, working on this now


Tatiana Tropina: I heard him loud and clear and Greg was very faint


Rafael Perez Galindo (GAC Spain): Weird... I heard him pretty loud, actually


Rafael Perez Galindo (GAC Spain): Yeah Tania


Tatiana Tropina: Rafael, me too


Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): I agree with David nd Phil here


David McAuley: that is weird - i heard not a sound


Alain Bidron 2: No I can also hear Jean-Jacques but through the ADOBE


David McAuley: I am listening via phone line


Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): I only hear him on the AC audio not the phone bridge


Tatiana Tropina: David, seems that you listened to Greg then, we listened to both :(


Jean-Jacques Subrenat: 1) In "Improving Institutional Confidence" 2008-09, I as one of the co-authors had proposed the notion of "additional jurisdiction", rather than "alternative jurisdiction". This was important: ICANN Headquarters would not change, but jurisdiction could be added for non-contract aspects.


David McAuley: seems strange Tatiana - I can listen to both sources from now though


Tatiana Tropina: aren't we supposed to know as those who were involved in the WS2 what was meant


Jean-Jacques Subrenat: 2) I agree with one of the previous speakers (David?) that we could agree to distinguish 2 things, contract-related items (US/California jurisdiction) and other items (conflict resolution, etc).


Tatiana Tropina: Sorry in WS1


jorge cancio (GAC Switzerland): I wouldn't dare to opine on the placement of the wheel without asking our UK friends :-)


Finn Petersen, GAC - DK: Denmark is of the view that it is not within our scope to recommend moving ICANN’s Place of Incorporation or Headquarters Location from California. But if anybody can point to potential problems, we might look into means to address such problems without changing ICANN’s place of incorporation.


jorge cancio (GAC Switzerland): @David: thanks, hope that we keep efforts in parallel well coordinated...


David McAuley: Thanks Jorge - still work to be done at IRP IoT


jorge cancio (GAC Switzerland): @David: it would be so important to make sure the IRP is considered as a global venue, accessible, etc...


David McAuley: Agreed


Jean-Jacques Subrenat 2: @Greg: I agree that "moving the headquarters out of California" is not an urgent matter. We should examine what ADDITIONAL jurisdictions could achieve, for specific purposes.


jorge cancio (GAC Switzerland): For the reasons given I step away from such a straw poll


Bernard Turcotte: Time note: 15 minutes left in the call


Rafael Perez Galindo (GAC Spain): I do


jorge cancio (GAC Switzerland): dear all: I have a hard stop. However, I would like to recall the issues I have mentioned in an email today that could fit into some of these layers


Jeff Neuman: I hear him through Adobe Connect


Jeff Neuman: The problem is through phone only i guess


Tatiana Tropina: I can hear loud and clear


Tatiana Tropina: but I am on Adobe only


Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): go ahead


Greg Shatan: jj now on phone


Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): BTW the preferred use of AC only holds IMO where the technology including Internet connection bandwidth and reliabiity is suitable Often even here in AU it is *not*


Pedro da Silva - [GAC Brasil]: difficult to understand Jean-Jacques (via phone)


Bernard Turcotte: just lost JJS


Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): indeed


David McAuley: Agree w Pedro and now no longer hear via phone


Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): now lost totally


Philip Corwin: JJ audio kaput


Veni Markovski: Now he's gone. I am only on the computer, adobe room, and couldn't understand him either.


Jean-Jacques Subrenat 2: why is not a majority of users using Adobe??


Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): aweful audio


Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): cause it is CR*p


Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): as you just demonstrated


Jean-Jacques Subrenat 2: @but why Greg? Is there not an agreed principle?


Jean-Jacques Subrenat 2: On ALAC calls it works fine...


Jeff Neuman: I use Adobe for both and it usually works well for me


David McAuley: I switch between them depending on audio quality


Tijani BEN JEMAA: @David, me too


Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): as do I but alwways speak through phine t ensure best audio where possible


David McAuley: Me too CLO - speak over phone


Jean-Jacques Subrenat 2: @Greg: I suggest we use "additional jurisdictions" to avoid confusion about wanting to change headquarters or not. I was also saying it would be useful to examine several tasks where an additional jurisdiction would be useful, e.g. hiring people outside the US (employment, insurance, taxes).


Jean-Jacques Subrenat 2: @Greg: seen from Europe, 1, 2 and 3 can come under the same heading (incorporation, headquarters, physical presence).


Bernard Turcotte: Timing last minute


Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): Thanks everyone... we are progressing it seems :-) talk again soon... Bye for now...


Philip Corwin: ciao


David McAuley: Thanks Greg, staff, all, good bye


Tatiana Tropina: thanks a lot Greg and all! Bye


Bernard Turcotte: bye all


Claudio Lucena: Bye all