Sub-group Members: Alan Greenberg, Avri Doria, Barbara Wanner, Brett Schaefer, Chris Wilson, David McAuley, Edward Morris, George Sadowsky, Hibah Hussain, Jorge Gonzalez, Julf Helsingius, Michael Karanicolas, Olivier Muron, Philip Corwin, Ricardo Holmquist, Samantha Eisner, Sonigitu Ekpe
Observers: John Curran, Lyman Chapin,
Staff: Bernie Turcotte, Brenda Brewer, Karen Mulberry
Apologies: Chris Disspain, Cheryl Langdon-Orr
**Please let Brenda know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**
The Adobe Connect recording is available here: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/p8u0oxmtjo0/
The audio recording is available here:
Documents Presented
Chat Transcript
Brenda Brewer:Good day All and welcome the Transparency Subgroup Meeting #2 on 18 August 2016 @ 13:00 UTC!
Julf Helsingius:Good day!
Ricardo Holmquist:Hi, good day
Chris Wilson:Brenda, I am x6514
Michael Karanicolas:Hi - can we maybe upload a copy of the revised thematic overview as well?
Brenda Brewer:I have it uploaded Michael. : )
Brenda Brewer:Thank you Chris
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:good day all
Michael Karanicolas:Thanks Brenda. is there any way to get it onto the main screen, alongside the agenda (or a page down from it)?
Brenda Brewer:If your phone number is listed in Attendees pod, please inform your name for attendance purposes. Thank you!
Sonigitu Ekpe:Greetings all!
David McAuley:yes
Brenda Brewer:@ Michael, agenda shows in notes pod
Julf Helsingius:yes'
Sonigitu Ekpe:Greetings All
John Curran:Yes, audio is clear
Brenda Brewer:I will need to start the recording
Brenda Brewer:stand by
David McAuley:no longer hearing anythibg
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:sound good here
Brenda Brewer:Sound is good here also
David McAuley:I will call in, thanks Bernie, I hear nothing
David McAuley:Brenda, I am 4154
Brenda Brewer:Thank you Davud, always appreciated.
Julf Helsingius:jSomeone seems to have their mic on
Philip Corwin:I am 5316
Brenda Brewer:Thank you Philip!
Chris Wilson:Please all mute your phones
David McAuley:CCWG final report on IRP made important point about DIDP
Julf Helsingius:There is still an echo
David McAuley:Para 65 of Annex 07 of CCWG final report says this about DIDP: The community has expressed concerns regarding the ICANN document/information access policy and implementation. Free access to relevant information is an essential element of a robust IRP, and as such, the CCWG-Accountability recommends reviewing and enhancing the ICANN Documentary Information Disclosure Policy as part of the accountability enhancements in Work Stream 2.
David McAuley:Annex 07 is about IRP
David McAuley:Important phrase "free access to relevant information"
Michael Karanicolas:again - please mute your microphones
Julf Helsingius:Sonigitu: can you mute your speaker to avoid echo?
Brett Schaefer:Phil, I think your phone is the source of the echo.
David McAuley:yes
Philip Corwin:Not possible--it is on mute
Brett Schaefer:Sorry, I saw the sound animation next to your phone.
Ricardo Holmquist:are we going to discuss further what is the extend of the disclosure on point 2
Ricardo Holmquist:sorry I'm new in this meetings
David McAuley:good point Chris
Brett Schaefer:We shoudl also add that it is not just transparenct of reporting in a reasonably quick fashion, but with enough detail to actually be transparent
Brett Schaefer:apologies for typos, should be “should” “transparency”
Brett Schaefer:yes, that makes sense
David McAuley:seems fine
Barbara Wanner:I proposed this topics based on the other document your provided. Hapy to work on this.
Avri Doria:and do they safe using it?
Avri Doria:the policy determines the safety
Michael Karanicolas:fully agree Avri
David McAuley:lost Alan?
David McAuley:no -maybe my system
Barbara Wanner:Helpful background, thanks!
Brett Schaefer:Michael, will this list be final for the tenure of this sub-group? I am concerned that as the EC stands up and the SO/ACs get more familiar with the new governance model, some new transparency concerns might surface.
Samantha Eisner 2:The information is posted in each office, available to all employees, circulated annually for confirmation, and included in trainings
David McAuley:Thanks Sam
Barbara Wanner:Ditto -- thanks Sam!
Sonigitu Ekpe 2:The document shall continue to be updated as we progress
Samantha Eisner 2:It is called our "anaymous hotline" policy because the term "whistleblower" has been considered to have negative connotations and also suggests that the scope of reporting is narrower than what is actually allowed
Alan Greenberg:Records (without the specific details) were felt by ATRT2 to be a valuable metric. ie how often is it used, and what are ultimate outcomes?
Brett Schaefer:when will the revised policy be finalized?
Barbara Wanner:Can't hear Samantha
Alan Greenberg:Seem to have lost Sam
Samantha Eisner 2:apologies
Samantha Eisner 2:I'm having issues dialing back in
David McAuley:Good idea, thank you Alan
Avri Doria:good suggestion. am willing
Barbara Wanner:Would appreciate that -- I notice both of your posts as I tried to research this. Great!
Samantha Eisner 2:on audio only for the time being
David McAuley:I think so
David McAuley:yes, good outline, thank you both
Brett Schaefer:Earlier this year or maybe last fall, two studies on ICANN DIDP decisions were circulated on the CCWG list. Have you seen them?
Michael Karanicolas:Sarah Clayton's?
Brett Schaefer:Michael, I can't remember the author's name. I will try and find them.
Brenda Brewer:If your phone number ends with 3155 or 8780 please identify your name for attendance accuracy. Thank you!
Chris Wilson:Indeed. this informs our recs
Barbara Wanner:Brenda, my phone ends 3155.
Brenda Brewer:Thank you Barbara.
Philip Corwin:Both I and others I know who have used the DIDP have found a perceived bias toward underdisclosure. In my opinion this may largely result from the fact that there is overlap between those reviewing the requests and those who prepared or acted upon the materials being requested. I believe that this can best be addressed by vesting decisions on disclosure in a neutral thirrd party -- perhaps in in an expanded Ombudsman's office, perhaps elsewhere.
David McAuley:decisions on disclosure might swamp the Ombudsman, maybe that function coul d be a quick appeal on denials of disclosure
David McAuley:it doews
David McAuley:does
Barbara Wanner:Sounds like a good approach. Feel we need a bit more background as discussed earlier. Thanks!
Brett Schaefer:Michael, one was by Sarah Clayton. I will recirculate The other was by Padmini Baruah. I'm not sure if I have a file or link to the final version.
Sonigitu Ekpe 2:I really appreciate the effort to recirculate
David McAuley:Thanks chairs, and staff, bye all
Brett Schaefer:thanks
Julf Helsingius:Thanks
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support:Bye all
Barbara Wanner:Thanks, Michael and Chris!
Ricardo Holmquist:thank you, have a good day