Sub-group Members: Staff: Alan Greenberg, Avri Doria, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Christian Dawson, Farzaneh Badii, Greg Shatan, John Curran, Jorge Villa, Julf Helsingius, Kavouss Arasteh, Leon Sanchez, Mary Uduma, Matthew Shears, Olga Cavalli, Rinalia Abdul Rahim, Robin Gross, Sebastien Bachollet, Steve DelBianco, Tatiana Tropina, Taylor Bentley, Willie Currie (21)
Staff: Berry Cobb, Brenda Brewer, Karen Mulberry
**Please let Brenda know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**
The Adobe Connect recording is available here:
The audio recording is available here:
1. Call Admin and Roll Call/ Apologies
2. Welcome - Opening Remarks (3min- CLO, SDB, FB)
3. Review (brief) of last call #1 and any Action Items / Business Arising (5min- CLO, SDB, FB)
4. Discuss and evaluate “Mutual Accountability Roundtable” idea (25-30min-FB/WC)
5. Discuss our work plan (5-10min- CLO, SDB, FB)
* AI's
* Dependencies with other DT's
* Next Steps
6. AOB / Next Meeting (5min- CLO)