- Welcome and Roll call (2 mins)
Review of Action Items from At-Large Social Media WG 29 May 2014 Action Items (5 mins)
Overview of At-Large Social Media accounts from June 1 2014 (5 mins)
- At-Large Facebook Workspace ; At-Large Twitter Workspace
- Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/icann.atlarge ; Twitter at https://twitter.com/ICANN_AtLarge
Review/Observations regarding the tweets posted so far (15 mins)
How to promote At-Large Social Media (social accounts and #ATLAS2 hashtags) (5 mins)
How to co-ordinate social media WG content during London (15 mins)
Allocation of persons to the various #ATLAS2 events
- how to distrubute/feed content to Staff for reposting (look at slack.com)
AOB ( 10 mins)