- Welcome and Roll call (2 mins)Overviw of key objectives for this Curation WG (7 min)
Review of static content to be curated (25 mins)PDF name SM-22052014.pdf Confirmation of the creation of this WG (3 mins)
Select the chair of the WG (5 mins)
Suitable name for this WG (5 mins)
How to promote #ATLAS2 hashtags (5 mins)
Review of At-Large Social Media Curation Workflow
- Assigning curation static content tasks to members Review of fluid content template to be curated:
Dealing with multiple languages for At-Large Social Media
Curation Workflow(
2010 mins)
- Assigning curation fluid content tasks to members Next Curation WG conference call (5
- mins)
How to curate content during the ATLAS II (10 mins)
- Static Content (20 mins)