- Unlicensed user, Unlicensed user, and Unlicensed user to start the vote for ALS Applicants (189) Age Numerique.
Unlicensed user to follow up with the IDN WG regarding the status of the Translation and Transliteration of Contact Information Working Group SO-AC Input Request.
Unlicensed user to share the concerns of the ALAC regarding asking questions to Seat 15 Candidates and to report back to the ALAC.
Unlicensed user to find out whether the community wiki can be set open for the BMSPC Q&A session between candidates and electorates.
Unlicensed userto provide information on the expected duration to translate the Policy Advisory Boards for gTLDs Proposal text (1-1.5 pages of summary/background) for Public Comment, as well as a target date by which the Public Commenting Process should start.