A report on the findings of this consultation process , plus an assessment method has been suggested, are included below and await your commentsis provided below, but we would like your comments on the assessment model provided at the end of this page.
Please comment in the box below if you can, or send an email to me hilyard@oyster.net.ck giving your opinion about the self-evaluation model.
Your comments can be limited to LIKE or DON'T LIKE, or some other suggestion. We are still very open to ideas. .
Report on data gathering for the ALAC METRICS working group
1. Report on the Data Gathering from RALO ALSes - January 2014
Referring to Section 9 of the ALAC ROPS, the Working Group was tasked to:
- Establish the key performance tasks of ALAC Members
- Identify specific and quantifiable outputs
- Establish the criteria against which these tasks could be rated or measured
A brief summary on feedback from the RALOs
Key performance tasks: Section 9 of the ALAC ROPS, when categorised, detail:
- Active involvement and accountability could be more appropriately measured through actual LEADERSHIP of working groups activities and achieving results according to benchmarks or key performance indicators (APRALO)
- Some indicators could include:
- Input of time and commitment (eg number of working groups actively engaged in)
- Leadership responsibilities (WG leader, penholder)
- Mentoring skills (eg co-chairing to build capacity of other ALS members)
- Team participation - collaborative skills
- Other contributions… (APRALO)
- ALAC members and RALO Chairs should have joint responsibility for upskilling and engaging ALSes in ALAC activities (involving both outreach and inreach). RALO Chairs should plan for this engagement that is over and above the regular RALO update meetings (APRALO)
- eDemocracy tools (NARALO)
- ALAC members should provide a brief report to their RALOs at each RALO update meeting (APRALO)
- If ALAC members are identified as underperforming, RALO Chairs should be the first person to approach them and discuss any problems. Referral to the ALAC Chair would be the next step for resolution (or dismissal) (APRALO)
A) Each RALO could have its own wiki page on which ALAC members could write up a monthly report on his/her activities on the ALAC and other ALAC-related working groups.
Suggested Assessment Method: Self Evaluation by ALAC members
(recorded on an individual wiki page - or a RALO page designated for their ALAC members)
ALAC MEMBER: NAME, XXRALO (*meeting date given and linked to meeting record) | ||||||||
GROUP | POSITION | TASKS - 2014 | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun |
ALAC | Member | Liaison reports, updates | 28 |
ALT | Member | Liaison reports, updates | 16, 30 |
ccNSO | ccNSO Liaison | Coordinating committee; liaison reports | 13 |
APRALO | Member, penholder | MOU APNIC, MOU APTLD | 27 |
SINGAPORE MTG | Showcase OC, penholder | Brochure, powerpoint, liaison with ALSes, fans | 13 | 5 |
FOIWG | Member | WG updates in ccNSO reports | 23 | 5 |
METRICS wg | RALO liaison | Reports on RALO liaison contact (wiki) |
| 6 |
BMSPC | Member |
| 29 |
ATLASII Events WG | member |
| 12 |