AI: Reminder to go out regarding TTF members to look at contents of the Ideas for Improving the Organisation of the At Large content wiki page: Ideas for improving the organisation of At-Large content and leave commentsAI TTFto have a TTF call during the week of the 2nd - 6th September - Staff to send out Doodle for 1500 UTC
- should include guidelines/processes for content sharing (eg template for content, scheduling of content (from RALOs, WGs)
AI (partially implemented) TTF & staff to create a central repository of video, pictures captured by At-Large members that be used by curation/editing WG to reshare/re-use by At-Large.Suggestions of content (other than content from ALAC_announce mailing ) that could be shared include content from reports from WGs, RALOs submitted for the ALAC monthly call, as well as content of At-Large from ICANN At-Large public meetings.
AI (ongoing): Dev to work with staff to set up new web conferencing tool with Ready to Talk on the 26th August 2013
AI (ongoing): TTF must evaluate and review tools used by At-Large and inform ICANN of the situation regarding accessibility
AI: (in progress) Lance to create a template for structuring information in the Technology Workspace
AI (ongoing) Lance to update one pager with material (text/audio/video)
AI (ongoing) Lance to look at adapting web page template to one of the TTF workspace pages
AI (ongoing) Dev to upload the content from the slides to separate wiki pages for all to review and comment
- TTF members to look at contents of the Ideas for Improving the Organisation of the At Large content wiki page: and leave comments
Assigned to: Unassigned
Due date: None- Chair to copy TTF members' comments re previous Action item on the wiki.
Assigned to: Dev Anand Teelucksingh