- Unlicensed user is to draft a Statement on his experiences at the WCIT, the statement is to be posted on the At-Large Statement on WCIT Outcomes Workspace.
- Unlicensed user and Unlicensed user are to lead the FCWG on a more extensive Statement on the issues raised at the WCIT, as compared to the At-Large Statement on WCIT Outcomes.
- RoP WG provides its work to the ALAC, the ALAC members will have two weeks to read through the work. There will then be a single purpose call for the ALAC to discuss the work, as well as discuss how and when the ALAC will vote on the New RoPs. Once the
- Unlicensed user is to send a call for volunteers to the RALOs and ALAC once a list of Working Groups that are of interest to At-Large has been compiled.
- Unlicensed user is to provide the list of GNSO WGs that would be of interest and can be joined.
- Unlicensed user is to provide the list of ccNSO WGs that would be of interest and can be joined.
- Unlicensed user is to provide a list of At-Large WGs.
- The issue of Whois is to be added as an issue to be addressed by the At-Large Capacity Building WG. Specifically, the Capacity Building will include webinars as resource material for At Large
- Two active GNSO WGs are: IRTP-D and IGO/NGO. At-Large members are to be invited to join these WGs. Unlicensed user to send a placeholder to the Staff responsible for the proposed 2013 RAA public comment advising the ALAC will post a statement on it during the reply period.
- Two active GNSO WGs are: IRTP-D and IGO/NGO. At-Large members are to be invited to join these WGs.
- Revised ALAC ROPs to be translated into 5 UN languages and Portuguese.