Meeting | Date and Time | Assignee and RALO | Report | |||
Constituent Stakeholder Travel Guidelines Update & Review | 9 April 2013, 16:00-17:00 | Tijani BEN JEMAA | Rapport_Constituent Stakeholder Travel Guidelines | |||
DNSSEC for Everybody -- A Beginners' Guide | 8 April 2013, 17:00-18h30 | Yaovi Atohoun | When typing a name in a browser for example, that name must be first translated into a number by a system before the connection can be established. That system is called the Domain Name System (DNS) and it translates names like www.icann.org into the numbers – called Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. ICANN coordinates the addressing system to ensure all the addresses are unique. DNSSEC (DNS Security Extension) is a technology to secure the Domain Name System. During this session, the panelist presented through a sketch a scenario where user is redirected to another website pretending that it is the one he is looking for when there is a security problem. DNNSEC can be implemented by any individual or organization who is handling a Domain name System server or simply a name server. Another session for a half day workshop is scheduled for April 10, 2013. | |||
ICANN Finance Open Session | 10 April 2013, 11:00-12:30 | Tijani BEN JEMAA | Report_ICANN Finance Open Session.pdf | |||
Global Stakeholder Engagement | 11 April 2013, 11:00-12:30 | Tijani BEN JEMAA | Report_Global Stakeholder Engagement.pdf | |||
New gTLD SSR Update | 8 April 2013, 1500-1630 | Julie Hammer | Report on New gTLD SSR Update by SSAC Liaison The Audiocast of the Session can be found at http://beijing46.icann.org/node/37057 | |||
Meeting Strategy Working Group | 11 April 2013, 09:00 - 10:30 | Eduardo Diaz and others | Members of the MSWG Group: This was the first meeting of the Meeting Strategy Working Group (MSWG). It was mostly an introductory meeting. The agenda was as follows: 1.Welcome 2.Composition 3.Goals 4.Deliverables 5.Organization 6.Schedule 7.AOB (any other business) Please check here for more details: https://community.icann.org/download/attachments/40929548/ICANN_MSWG_Beijing_2013_04_11_fin+%283%29.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1367251475241 The next meeting will be a telephone conference to be held May 2, 2013 @ 1400UTC. The group agreed to have these calls every two weeks going forward. | |||