- Unlicensed user is to send the ALAC Demarche to ICANN to he ICANN Board Chair, CCing Fadi Chehadé and the Chair of the PPC. Olivier is to also include the line Unlicensed user developed during the ALAC Meeting. ["Finally, you may wish to consider asking the PPC (Public Participation Committee) to invite the ALAC, or a designated representative from the ALAC, to take part in the work which will be carried out on these important issues."]
- Unlicensed user to contact Unlicensed user on the At-Large Consultation on IANA Secure Notification Process Workspace to see if a Statement is necessary.
- Unlicensed user to contact Unlicensed user on the At-Large Consultation on Internet Number Resources Performance Standards Workspace to see if a Statement is necessary.
- Unlicensed user to contact Unlicensed user on the At-Large Consultation on the IANA Customer Service Complaint Resolution Process Workspace to see if a Statement is necessary.
- Unlicensed user and Staff are to help organize an At-Large conference call on the WCIT subject, inviting Nigel Hickson, in January.
- Unlicensed user to work with the Secretariats to send the information on New gTLD Applications and the filing of objections directly to the ALSes.
- Unlicensed user is to draft is Statement on his experiences at the WCIT, the statement is to be posted on the At-Large Statement on WCIT Outcomes Workspace.
- Unlicensed user and Unlicensed user are to lead the FCWG on a more extensive Statement on the issues raised at the WCIT, as compared to the At-Large Statement on WCIT Outcomes.
- Unlicensed user is to is to work with the Chair of the the Whois WG to to set-up a Webinar on Whois.
- The issue of Whois is to be added as an issue to be addressed by the At-Large Capacity Building WG.
- Once the RoP WG provides its work to the ALAC, the ALAC members will have two weeks to read through the work. There will then be a single purpose call for the ALAC to discuss the work, as well as discuss how and when the ALAC will vote on the New RoPs.