Current draft in WORD FORMAT and PDF.
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Section B: Responsibilities
1. ALAC Member Requirements and Responsibilities:
1.1. Agree to abide by these Rules of Procedure and other requirements as may be agreed to by the ALAC from time to time.
1.3. Submit a Statement of Interest (SoI) in a format agreed to by the ALAC, and to keep that SoI up to date. Certain positions and responsibilities may require additional information to that included in the standard ALAC SoI.
1.4. Attend all formal ALAC meetings, and to the extent that such participation from time to time may not be possible, provide advance notice of the planned absence where practical.
1.8. Actively participate in ALAC Work Teams (WT), and preferably in WTs sponsored by other ICANN bodies as well. Unless otherwise specified, such participation is as an individual and not formally representing the ALAC. Preferably, the ALAC Member Member will also take a leadership position within one or more of the WTs in which they participate.
1.10. Responsibilities of ALAC Members are more fully discussed in the Adjunct Document Position Description for ALAC Members, Liaisons and Appointees. <<Note: current title: Position Description for ALAC Members and ALAC Liaisons.>>
2. ALAC Chair Requirements and Responsibilities
2.5. All actions attributed to the Chair in these RoP may be delegated by the Chair to any other ALAC Member.
2.6. It When the Chair delegates the running of a meeting to another ALAC Member, all rights and responsibilities with respect to managing the meeting are investing in the acting meeting chair, with the exception of those rights and responsibilities explicitly given to the ALAC Chair.
2.7. It is expected that a Chair will delegate specific responsibilities (sometimes referred to as “portfolios”) to other ALAC Leadership Team Members (ALTM), other ALAC Members and/or Liaisons based on skills, interests and workload.
2.78. All such delegations are subject to the agreement of the delegate and should be a matter of public record.
2.89. The duties of Chair include:
2.89.1. Presides over ALAC meetings.
2.89.2. Has the authority to determine Determines the procedures to be followed where standard operating procedures do not cover a specific situation,
2.89.3. Upholds the RoP, Bylaws and other norms applicable to the ALAC.
2.89.4. Determines meeting agendas in advance in conjunction with the ALTM and Staff.
2.89.5. Be the prime liaison with Staff.
2.89.6. Represents the ALAC and At-Large in meetings and in written communication where there is no specific appointment. This responsibility notwithstanding, the Chair is obliged to consult with the ALAC Members, the ALT and the ALAC and/or other segments of At-Large as appropriate.
2.89.7. Ensures that timelines and deadlines for the work of the Committee are set and met.
2.89.8. Facilitates and encourages participation of all ALAC Members Members in At-Large Community activities and taking takes appropriate actions when the participation and contributions of ALAC Members and appointees are unsatisfactory or do not meet expectations.
2.910. As a member of the ALAC Leadership Team (ALT), the Chair is subject to the same obligations as all ALT Members.
2.1011. Should the Chair be incapable of carrying out the duties and obligations of the office, including that of delegating responsibilities to another ALAC Member, another ALAC Member will be deemed to be the Chair until such time as the original Chair can resume their duties or the ALAC can select a replacement. The replacement chair will be, in order of precedence:
2.1011.1. The Vice Chair, if there is only one and the Vice Chair is willing to serve as Chair.
2.1011.2. One of the Vice-Chairs, by mutual agreement of the Vice-Chairs, or barring such agreement, by random selection of those willing to serve as Chair with the random selection carried out by Staff
2.1011.3. Any other ALT Member by mutual agreement of the ALT Members, or barring such agreement, by random selection of those willing to serve with the random selection carried out by Staff
3. ALAC Leadership Team Requirements and Responsibilities
3.1. The Members of the ALAC Leadership Team (ALT) supports support and collaborates collaborate with the Chair in the overall administration and management of the ALAC.
5.1. The ALAC may from time to time appoint individuals to represent the interests of the ALAC and the At-Large Community, to act on behalf of the ALAC or to meet other specific obligations, to various bodies within or outside of ICANN.
7.1. The ALAC can function effectively only if all ALAC Members and appointees meet the obligations of their positions.
7.2. The ability of the ALAC to represent the interest of Internet users depends on strong participation from all ICANN regions.7.3. The ALAC and At-Large receive very significant funding from ICANN, both for travel and other activities, and the ALAC’s ability to justify such expense is conditional on all ALAC Members making The ability of the ALAC to represent the interest of Internet users depends on strong participation from all ICANN regions.
7.3. All ALAC Members must make regular and significant contributions to the ALAC, At-Large and ICANN.
7.5.1. Meeting attendance including sending prior notice if attendance not possible. 7.5.2. Attendance For meetings held during an ICANN meeting, attendance will be based on individual ALAC sessions for those present at ICANN meetings.
7.5.32. Participation in the decisions and votes of the ALAC
7.5.43. Participation and roles played on ALAC working groups as well as those of other bodies within ICANN.
7.6. The metrics for all Members and appointees will be publicly available.
7.7. The ALAC may is empowered to set thresholds which the Chair or RALOs could use to monitor performance.
7.9. The Chair is empowered to initiate or take action as agreed to by the ALAC. Any such actions must, to the extent possible, be done with due sensitivity and consideration to cultural differences throughout At-Large and to the extent possible.
7.10. Such actions shall include but not be limited to:
7.12. All actions of the ALAC, ALAC Members, or the ALAC Chair are always subject to referral to the ICANN ombudsman.7.13. The to referral to the ICANN ombudsman.
7.13. The ALAC is empowered to publish an Adjunct Document: Metrics and Remedial Actions for ALAC Members, Liaisons and Appointees to describe in fuller detail the metrics referenced in Section 7.5 – 7.7, and actions referenced in Sections 7.10 – 7.12 may be described in fuller detail in Adjunct Document: Metrics and Remedial Actions for ALAC Members, Liaisons and Appointees.
Adjunct Documents
- Position Description for ALAC Members, Liaisons and Appointees
- Metrics and Remedial Actions for ALAC Members, Liaisons and Appointees
Definitions – used or defined:
- Statement of Interest (SoI): Not sure if acronym is needed since is not used much.
- Member or ALAC Member??
- Adjunct Document:
- Annual General Meeting (AGM)
- Rules of Procedure (RoP)
- ALAC Leadership Team (ALT): The group of ALAC members including the ALAC Chair, normally with one per ICANN region, that supports and collaborates with the Chair in the overall administration and management of the ALAC.
- ALAC Leadership Team Member (ALTM) or ALT Member??)
- Liaison: A person formally appointed by the ALAC to represent the ALAC, to a TG that defines such a Liaison position.
- Non- Liaison Appointee: A person appointed by to the ALAC to serve on or with some TG.
- Target Group (TG): An organization within or outside of ICANN to which the ALAC appoints someone, often to represent or act of behalf of the ALAC.