Staff: Heidi Ullrich
by ALAC Chair and Interim Chair - 2and Purpose of Meeting (Sala) - 5 min
Roll Call (Staff) -
25 min
Appointment of Chairs - 5 min
Vision and Objectives of Capacity Building Working Group - 7min
Overview of At Large and ICANN - 5 mins
Call for Volunteers in Key Areas - 5 min
Process Rollout Plan - 20 min
Operation of the Capacity Building WG (Co-Chairs) - 5 mins (this would discuss the mailing lists, wikis, frequency of meetings, etc. )
- Next Steps (Co-Chairs) - 5 mins (setting the next meeting and the next steps)
Setting out Roadmap for the At-Large Capacity Building WG (All) - 30 mins
Between now and Beijing
WG Meeting in Beijing
Development of Capacity Building WG agenda (All) - 15 mins
Any Other Business (Co-Chairs) -
45 mins