Section B: Responsibilities
1. ALAC Member Requirements and Responsibilities:
1.1. Agree to abide by these Rules of Procedure and other requirements as may be agreed to by the ALAC from time to time.
1.6. Take part in all ALAC consensus decisions and votes except for those which require attendance at a meeting where the ALAC Member is not present.
1.7. Play a leadership role in representing the interests of Internet users within ICANN.
1.8. Actively participate in ALAC WGsWork Teams (WT), and preferably in WGs WTs sponsored by other ICANN bodies as well. Unless otherwise specified, such participation is as an individual and not formally representing the ALAC. Preferably, the ALAC member Member will also take a leadership position within one or more of the WGs WTs in which they participate.
1.10. Responsibilities of ALAC Members are more fully discussed in the Adjunct Document Position Description for ALAC Members, Liaisons and Appointees. <<Note: current title: Position Description for ALAC Members and ALAC Liaisons.>>
2.1. The Chair must be an ALAC memberMember.
2.2. A person nominated to be Chair does not need to be in the ALAC at the time of nomination but must have an expectation of being in the ALAC after the next Annual General Meeting (AGM).
2.3. Should the person elected Chair not be an ALAC member Member after the AGM, a new election will be conducted.
2.4. A chair is elected for one year term automatically extended to two each time the person remains to be an ALAC member for the second year. The . At the end of the term, the appointment may be renewed for one additional year subject to the provisions of section 6.2. The first priority for the ALAC is to select the best person to be Chair regardless of their ability to serve for a second term.
2.5. All actions attributed to the Chair in these RoP may be delegated by the Chair to any other ALAC Member.
2.8.1. Presides over ALAC meetings.
2.8.2. Has Has the authority to determine the procedures to be followed where standard operating procedures do not cover a specific situation,
2.8.3. Verifies the respect of Upholds the RoP, Bylaws and other norms applicable to the ALAC.
2.8.8. Facilitates and encourages participation of all ALAC members Members in At-Large Community activities and taking appropriate actions when the participation and contributions of ALAC Members and appointees do not meet.
2.10. Should the Chair be incapable of carrying out the duties and obligations of the office, including that of delegating responsibilities to another ALAC Member, another ALAC member Member will be deemed to be the Chair until such time as the original Chair can resume their duties or the ALAC can select a replacement. The replacement chair will be, in order of precedence:
2.10.1. The Vice Chair, if there is only one and the Vice Chair is willing to serve as Chair.
2.10.2. One of the Vice-Chairs, by mutual agreement of the Vice-Chairs, or barring such agreement, by random selection of those willing to serve as Chair with the random selection carried out by Staff
2.10.3. Any other ALT Member by mutual agreement of the ALT Members, or barring such agreement, by random selection of those willing to serve with the random selection carried out by Staff
4.2. Liaisons need not be ALAC members Members but they will normally be current or past ALAC members, or otherwise familiar with ALAC/At-Large and the TG to whom they will Liaison.
4.4.1. Liaisons do not participate in ALAC consensus decisions or votes unless they are ALAC membersMembers.
4.4.2. Liaisons may be relieved of the responsibility to attend all ALAC meetings by decision of the ALAC.
4.4.3. Liaisons have no requirements to participate in ALAC and other WGs other than those related to the TG unless they are ALAC membersMembers. That notwithstanding, Liaisons are encouraged and expected to be active participants in the activities of the TG.
5.1. The ALAC may from time to time appoint individuals to represent the ALAC or , to act on behalf of the ALAC or to meet other specific obligations, to various bodies within or outside of ICANN.
5.2. Non-Liaison Appointees do not need to be ALAC members Members but must have sufficient knowledge of ALAC/At-Large and other the group or subject related to their appointment so as to be able to properly represent the ALAC/At-Large.
6.1. All appointments except the ALAC Chair begin at the conclusion of one AGM and continue until the conclusion of the following AGM, unless the ALAC specifically identifies a different time-frame.
6.2. The term of If the Chair starts at the conclusion of an AGM and runs for one or two consecutive ICANN years conditional on the Chair being an ALAC member during the second year.6.3.is still a member of the ALAC in the year following his or her appointment, and is willing to continue in that role, the Chair is deemed to automatically be renewed for a second year without any explicit action of the ALAC.
6.3. Should the Chair not be an ALAC member Member during the second year of the term, or chooses not to continue in that role, the ALAC will use its normal Chair election procedure to select a new Chair as per the normal Chair selection process.
7.8. The ALAC has the right to withdraw the appointment of ALAC appointees. <<Recall presumably to be covered by ESADT.>>
7.9. The Chair is empowered to initiate or take action as agreed to by the ALAC. Any such actions must be done with due consideration to cultural differences throughout At-Large and to the extent possible in a discreet and sensitive manner..
7.10. Such actions shall include but not be limited to:
7.10.5. Although resignations are far preferable to the ALAC taking formal action, should the situation warrant it, the ALAC may vote to remove an ALAC Member. The ALAC Member must be given an opportunity to explain to the ALAC why they should not be removed. Should such a vote be necessary, it will be carried out with a secret ballot of all ALAC members Members except the one in question.
7.11. Actions taken do not need to be done in sequence and none of those listed above are mandatory unless specified as so by the ALAC.
7.12. All actions of the ALAC, ALAC Members, or the ALAC Chair are always subject to referral to the ICANN ombudsman.
7.13. The metrics referenced in Section 7.5 – 7.7, and actions referenced in Sections 7.10 – 7.12 may be described in fuller detail in Adjunct Document: Metrics and Remedial Actions for ALAC Members, Liaisons and Appointees
Adjunct Documents:
- Position Description for ALAC Members, Liaisons and Appointees
- Metrics and Remedial Actions for ALAC Members, Liaisons and Appointees
Definitions – used or defined:
- Statement of Interest (SoI): Not sure if acronym is needed since is not used much.
- Member or ALAC Member??
- Adjunct Document:
- Annual General Meeting (AGM)
- Rules of Procedure (RoP)
- ALAC Leadership Team (ALT): The group of ALAC members including the ALAC Chair, normally with one per ICANN region, that supports and collaborates with the Chair in the overall administration and management of the ALAC.
- ALAC Leadership Team Member (ALTM) or ALT Member??
- Liaison: A person formally appointed by the ALAC to represent the ALAC, to a TG that defines such a Liaison position.
- Non- Liaison Appointee: A person appointed by to the ALAC to serve on or with some TG.
- Target Group (TG): An organization within or outside of ICANN to which the ALAC appoints someone, often to represent or act of behalf of the ALAC.