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DRAFT minutes.doc

6 Feb audio3.mp3


Adopted by the Committee on 6th March 2007

ALAC Meeting

Tuesday 6th February 2007

Participants: Pierre, Hong, Siavash, Annette, Izumi, Jacqueline, Wendy, John, Vittorio, Carlos, Jose, Alice, Alan, Nick (Staff), Susie (Staff).


• Nick to follow up with Finance on the timeline for budgeting the upcoming FY and forward to the Budget Committee
• Annette to complete forms to request budget for website personnel
• Annette to compose a letter to Ombudsman, Wendy, Alan, Jacqueline and John to work with Annette to draft it
• Nick, Annette, Jacqueline, Siavash, Vittorio, Alan to form working party to schedule Lisbon meetings
• Annette to email Chair’s Report
• Liaisons to email their written reports for the month.
• Nick to follow-up by email with Lisbon details as they become available.
• Staff to ensure that the ALAC Working SocialText Wiki is publicly accessible.
• Staff to email open action items from January meeting again.
• Nick to notify members of the ALAC Internal list when the membership changed (standing action item)
• Nominations for Vice-Chair are to be accepted until Friday 16th February on the internal list.
• Draft Rules of Procedure submitted by Vittorio to be reviewed in the ALAC meetings in Lisbon

Draft Agenda

Standing Agenda Items

  1. Adoption of the Agenda
  2. Apologies from Members (if any)
  3. Adoption of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting
  4. Review of Action Items of the Previous Meeting
  5. Time management in conference calls - V Bertola (I think we should never go beyond 90 minutes. I also think that agenda items should be allocated time in advance, with the Chair closing discussion and calling consensus on the specific item when its time expires. --vb.)

Liaison Reports

(suggestion: move this to written reports to the list. please avoid cluttering the call. --vb.)

  1. ICANN Board - V Bertola
  2. GNSO - A Greenberg
  3. WHOIS - W Seltzer
  4. IDNs - H Xue
  5. ccNSO - S Shahshahani

Membership Matters

  1. Review of ALS Applications due for action this month - ICANN Staff
  2. Review of Overdue Action on ALS Applications - ICANN Staff
  3. Announcement of Voting Results - Chair
  4. Regional Activities this month
  5. Filling up Clement and Annette's interim seats
  6. Election of the Vice Chair of the Committee

Other Matters

  1. Activities of the Chair - A Muehlberg


  1. Report of the Staff - ICANN Staff
  2. Budget
  3. Preparation for Lisbon meeting
  4. Internal rules of procedure - V Bertola
  5. Review of current lists, closure/consolidation of old lists (ws suggests, can be moved to list, if we know which one!)
  6. Status (public or private) of SocialText Wiki for ALAC
  7. Hiring Jean as web manager--any update?

New Business

  1. Ombudsman Investigation
  2. .xxx

Any Other Business