1. Review of Agenda (5 min) -
Avri2. Roll call (5 min) -
3. Times and Periodicity of upcoming meetings (10 min)
- Continue with alternating times?
- UTC vs DST?
- Every one or two weeks?
4. Review of feedback from Costa Rica Sessions (10 min) - Avri
- Applicant Support Process (ASP) session
- New gTLD issues sessions
- Objection Procedure
Staff3. Starting implementation work on Objection Procedure
- Develop call for participants from all RALOs to join an At-Large new gTLD Review Group (gTLD RG).
- The gTLD RG is tasked with
- receiving the comments from At-Large either directly via email or via RALO conference calls.
- creating/updating the gTLD wiki comment pages.
- giving status updates of which gTLD received comments each week.
- informing RALOs of deadlines for comments to be drafted during the ACP, and for objection statements during the 7 month objection period.
- The gTLD RG is tasked with
Review of Members and Membership Call (5 min) - Cintra4. Review of CoI vs SoI discussion and procedure forward (30 min) - Cintra5. Update on other chartered work items (5 min)
5.1. Update on gTLD
Issues - Cintra 5.2. Update on the ASP -
Avri 6. Pending Action Items Not Yet covered (5 min) -