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Summary Minutes and Action Items
Monday 27 February 2012

1. Review of Agenda (5 min) - Avri
Item 3 may not require the full 20 mins. Have to review if we require a meeting next week, if so will be at 2100utc.

2. Roll call (5 min) - Staff
Avri Doria, Cintra Sooknanan, Alan Greenberg, Carlos Aguirre, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Dev Anand Teelucksingh, Hong Xue, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Yaovi Atohoun, Evan Leibovitch
Staff- Heidi ullrich, Nathalie Peregrine, Sylvia Vivanco

3. Planning for the Costa Rica meeting (20 min)
Agenda would be the same pattern as these meetings. Major work item to discuss is the objection procedure, we would have closed the comment period from the RALOs and would have a week to deal with the comments and changes at that point. Still working on the schedule.
If the substantive issues take too long then the decisions of the meeting times etc can be deferred.  
Alan stated he did not mind the IOC and RC issues be added to the agenda.

4. Work Item Updates (20 min)
4. 1 Objection Procedure for RALO - Review of Comments Received - Avri
See: At-Large Proposal for the ALAC to submit public comments on and file possible objections to new gTLD Applications 2012 Workspace
Dev states there was one comment which were semantics and typos. Also what happens in week 8 and if there are many comments to vote on them individually.
Alan indicates that it may not be practical to do so.
Evan expresses his disbelief that things will be so contentious to do voting item by item, but we can play this by ear.
Avri suggests that we would have to vote on it separately.
Alan agrees that a voice vote on teleconference is most appropriate for this process to look at the pros and cons and make decisions on.
Avri asks if we should include a few more words in section A to an edit to our process describing this voice vote.
Dev will put in some explanitory text. Alan points out that the teleconference must be put in so that it is scheduled in properly.

Dev raises Olivier's concerns  that ALAC will be swamped by comments  and the increased workload.
Tijani recognises that it might be a problem but it is something we need to do.
Alan agrees it might happen and acknowledge that we must be alert that other groups may try to use ALAC to further their objectives.
Avri recognises that it is something that is part of the process, but it would be good if we can predict the volunteer time. Also the ALAC scope discussion is it just related to ALAC, ALSes or any community in the RALO. This discussion is still pending on the ALAC.
Alan suggests that this has to be a face to face discussion, don't want to be accused of one or two people directing the group or favoritism. This is the only way to do it transparently. To the extent we can recommend to ALAC what they want to say.

Dev indicated Carlton's concern to formulate an objection given what is in the AG. Some level of education is required.
Cintra suggested that we can summarise the AG on this section and send to them so that they can clarify their objection.
Alan stated that part of it is their clear link in what the group is applying and at large.
Dev stated that in filing objection statements if there are enough comments the working group had to be formed in putting these comments into a dispute resolution form.
Cintra will take the lead on the one page summary of the AG in formulating an objection.

Dev also Hong suggested the title be modified to remove the word "possible". This is agreed.

Pending Action Item to meet with Dashboard representative. Heidi states it is still being worked on.

4.2 Update on the ASP  - Avri
            a. Discussion of possible social media campaign to promote the             ASP (Scott Pinzon, Director of Marketing and Outreach)
Scott runs through the presentation highlighting community connections as a mechanism of awareness.
Avri raised the other suggestions made on the list and expressed doubt that the message is conveyed. Avri suggested a QR code.
Evan asked if this is the logo of the ASP? Is this the brand or is it just associated with the social media aspect?
Scott replied that this is something to be decided. The logo first showed up last week on the face sheet and if it is something the group likes we can do this. Will have lapel pins with this logo. There are some logistic difficulties on the QR code as not sure if a twitter QR code will be large enough and not sure if will be adopted as well as this logo.
Cheryl noted that the QR code is another mechanism but not meant to replace the logo. Something as simple as a business card from a page could work as sending people to the online resource. Also we have not yet seen the fact sheet.
Avri agreed that getting the factsheet would be good as we are halfway through the cycle now and we could push it out to the ALSes.
Cheryl followed up by stating that Scott and his team are on top of their global outreach activities.
Scott stated that he is not in charge of the communications effort. The desire of having global partnerships people to find potential applicants is not possible. Staff has to be neutral in all of this.
Cintra raised that even if it is not in staff's remit to do shepherd applicants then it does not prejudice them from working with At Large and organisations to hold these meetings jointly.
Scott agreed that this is the purpose of the call that we work together. He continued that he does not see why offline broadcasting and radio are necessary as this is for running a registry.
Cheryl disagreed that these aspects can be outsourced but the point is to have the community as part of the process.
Alan stated that so much time has passed, this should have been done at the start.
Agreement was expressed to the logo but it must be tied to sufficient background and proper documentation.
Avri stated that At Large is ready to help. Scott stated his agreement and acknowledged that not enough was yet done.

Call time is over.

4.3. Update on gTLD Issues  - Cintra
5. Pending Action Items Not Yet covered (5 min) - Avri
6. AOB (5 min) - Avri
7. Next meeting? -Avri

Avri suggested we have the call on Monday and discuss the other items not discussed on this call first.

Call ended 4 minutes over.