- The creation of a project plan, including an accurate budget (to be submitted to the Structural Improvements Committee by its May 2010 meeting);
- The strengthening of the At-Large Working Groups, which will be responsible for much of the work implementing the At-Large Improvements; and
- The allocation of specific implementation tasks to individual Working Groups, committees, and relevant ICANN staff.
3 March 2010
Since ICANN’s Meeting in Seoul, a number of milestones have been accomplished as part of the implementation of the At-Large Improvements, including:
- The publication of regional brochures, in the relevant languages, by three of our RALOs; brochures by the remaining two RALOs are in production. These will be used as part of a new education, outreach, and recruitment strategy.
- A review of the information flow between the At-Large ALS-RALO-ALAC structure and individual Internet users has begun.
- The public-comment period on a proposed selection process for the At-Large Board member has closed.
- Draft revisions to the ICANN Bylaws, more clearly defining the At-Large role and contribution, are underway.