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Wiki Markup
[FY10 Framework workshop Presentation.pdf|]

h1. ALAC Monthly Teleconference

*Meeting Number: AL.ALAC/CC.04.09/1*
h3. Date: Tuesday 28 April 2009

h3. Time: 14h00 - 15h30 UTC

(For the time in various timezones [click here|])
h3. Interpretation Available: Yes (EN, FR, ES - Simultaneous)

h4. [How can I participate in this meeting?|]

h4. [Comment est-ce qu'on peut participer à la téléconférence?|]

h4. [¿Cómo se puede participar en la teleconferencia?|]

*Who is on the* [dial-out list for this call|]*?*

h4. Participants  ALAC: A. Greenberg, A Peake, C Langdon-Orr, G Shearman, H Diakite, J  Ovidio Salgueiro, M El Bashir, P Vande Walle, S Bachollet, T H Nguyen, V  Scartezini, B Brendler

h4. Apologies: W Ludwig, C Aguirre, F Seye Sylla

h4. Absent: V Vivekandan

h4. Liaisons: W Seltzer (ALAC liaison to the Board), S Muthusamy (IDN Liaison), R Sherwood (Liaison from the ccNSO council)

h4. Guests:

h4. Staff: N Ashton-Hart, H Ullrich, M Langenegger, K Wilson
h4. Summary Minutes: [EN|]

h4. Action Items: [EN|]

h4. Transcription (EN):

h4. Recording: [EN|], [ES|], [FR|]

h4. Documents (EN):
h4. A G E N D A

*1. Standing Agenda Items* (20 - 25 min)
i. Review of the Agenda -- CALL for Any Other Business or Re Order of items \--1 min

ii. Roll Call Apologies from Members (if any) - 1 min

iii. Adoption of the [24 March 2009 Summary Minutes EN|] \- 3 mins

iv. Review of the [24 March 2009 Action Items EN|]\- 10 mins

v. Review of current status of ALS applications: [|]
(Google Docs account needed to access) -- 3 mins

*1.2 Reports* (5 -- 10 min)
i. Elected Officer & Appointment Activities

ii. Liaison reports to be inserted as available below...
Note: There will be no discussion of liaison reports during the meeting;  these links are by way of information only. Any Liaison who wishes a  discussion to take place on an item related to their brief, or has an  item for which a decision is required, is to use this wiki to edit the  sections under Items for Decision, or Items for Discussion, as relevant.  Or raise a Matter of Urgency under review of the Agenda

[Board Liaison Report|]
• display/atlarge/Board+Liaison+Reports]
[GNSO Liaison Report - April|]
• [cNSOdisplay/atlarge/GNSO+Liaison+Reports]
[ccNSO Liaison Report|]
• [display/atlarge/ccNSO+Liaison+Reports]
[SSAC Liaison Report|]
• [NCUCatlarge/SSAC+Liaison+Reports]
[IDN Liaison Report|]
• [IDNatlarge/IDN+Liaison+Reports]
[dotMOBI Liaison Report|]
• [dotMOBI Liaison Report|]atlarge/dotMOBI+Liaison+Reports]

iii. Working Group Reports:

iv. RALO Reports:
• [APRALOAFRALO/AFRALO+Secretariat+Monthly+Reports] ([AFRALO workspace|]
• [EURALOAFRALO/African+Regional+At-Large+Organisation+%28AFRALO%29])
• [LACRALOAPRALO/APRALO+Secretariat+Monthly+Reports] ([APRALO workspace|])
[EURALO|] ([EURALO workspace|])
[LACRALO|] ([LACRALO Workspace|]
• [NARALO/display/LACRALO/LACRALO+Secretariat+Monthly+Reports])
[NARALO|]*:* ([NARALO Workspace|]display/NARALO/North+American+Regional+At-Large+Organization+%28NARALO%29])

*1.3 Issues to be Raised at the ICANN Board Meeting* (5 - 8 min)

*1.4 Ratification and Status of ALAC Statements* (see Decision Items below)

*2. Items for Decision at This Meeting* (8 -- 10 min)
* Ratification of Statement on ALAC Review - Deadline: 30 April 2009 [Draft ALAC Review Comment - April 2009|]
* ALAC Representation on ccNSO PDP on IDN ccTLDs WGs (2 are proposed  under the Issues Report {see attached} and WG1 is in current formation.  Two ALAC representatives are required. Proposal is for the IDN Liaison  and Chair {for continuity from previous work} in keeping with previous  representation.

*3. Items for Discussion at this Meeting* (30-45 min)
* Web Pages, Wikis, and Member Management System (based on a brief Staff Report to be given)

* Briefing held on Budget Ops Plan and Travel Support and Preparation of the ALAC (and RALO/ALS?) comments on the Proposed

* Framework for ICANN's FY10 Operating Plan and Budget - Deadline: 30 April 2009

* Meeting of the ALAC Budget and Finance Committee (to follow on from previous point)

* Preparation and Ratification of the ALAC Statement on the Report on  Improving Institutional Confidence Plan - Deadline: 11 May 2009

* WG's, including the new IP/IRT Activities one, and the proposed  meeting of Lead and the ALAC to ensure the process and work flow  structure

* RAA Drafting Team call and joint ALAC/GNSO WG on the Registrant Rights Charter as per Board Resolution

* [ALAC Voting Processes and Secrecy|] (re: BigPulse)

* Call for Comment on [New Consumers Constituency Petition and Charter|] \- Deadline: 14 May 2009

* [35th ICANN Meeting - Sydney June 2009|]

* Open Public Comments ([Additional Details|])
** [SSAC review -- Independent reviewers’ draft report|] (ends 22 April 09)
** [Travel Support|] (ends 24 April 09)
** [Proposed Framework for ICANN's FY10 Operating Plan and Budget|] (ends 30 Apr 09)
** [ALAC review WG draft Final Report|] (ends 30 April 09)
** [.INFO Proposed Amendment for Phased Equitable Reallocation of Non-compliant Sunrise Names|] (ends 2 May 09)
** [Report on Improving Institutional Confidence Plan|] (ends 11 May 09)
** [New IDNgTLD Constituency Petition and Charter|] (ends 20 May 09)
** [Proposed Registrar Disqualification Procedure|] (ends 28 May 09)

*4. Items for Review* (5 - 10 mins)

Is the current listing of [At Large Officers and Working Group Leaders|] up-to-date?

*5. Any Other Business* (5 -- 15 mins)
h4. Comments:
The file " Re\- IDN liaison's report apr 27 2009 " is a wrong file, that  seems to have been inadvertantly uploaded both at this page and at the  ALAC IDN Policy page. I have deleted the wrong file in the IDN wiki  page, and replaced it with the liaison's report (PDF) as originally  uplaoded.

The liaison's report can now be seen in the IDN policy wiki page [|]display/atlarge/At+Large+IDN+Policy]

The file on this page " Re\- IDN liaison's report apr 27 2009 " may  please be deleted and replaced with the liaison's report in PDF format.  \--\- IDN liaison.

_contributed by_ _Guest User_ _on_ _Apr 28 9:45am_