b. Request for comments
For Information: Messages from J. Karklins on upcoming Review Team calls
The ALAC is requested to comment on the following two issues:
- At-Large expectations about size and composition of the Review Teams ‘Security Stability and Resilience of the DNS’ and ‘Whois policy’
- Proposed text of call for volunteers representing SO/ACs for the Affirmation reviews ‘Security Stability and Resilience of the DNS’ and ‘Whois policy’
For Information: click here for the general Brussels Meeting page; click here for the At-Large Brussels Meeting schedule
a. ALAC + Regional leaders workshop
b. Other At-Large Meetings
10. ALS Survey: Initial Results - 10 mins (Sylvia)
The ALS Survey closed on Sunday, 23 May 2010. Click here to see the raw poll results (Break down by region no comments, no names)
11. At-Large Improvements - 10 mins (Seth)
a. Ongoing revisions to At-Large Implementation Project Plan (available at: At-Large Improvements Proj Plan_rev 14 (20100519).pdf )
b. Review of At-Large Improvements Recommendations wiki pages and Status Log wiki page
For information: Status of Implementation of Recommendations and Tasks (see: Simplified At-Large Improvements Outline)