Interpretation Available: Yes (EN, FR, ES - Simultaneous)
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b. Update on the status of the application from Forum des Cadres Scientifiques pour le Développement (FORCAS): 143 - FORCAS (Forum des Cadres Scientifiques pour le Développement) (2).pdf
5. Reports (5-10 minutes)
Joint GNSO-ALAC RAA Related WG activities - click here for joint GNSO-ALAC RAA-related workspacei. Update on Working Group A (Registrant Rights Charter)
ii. Update on Working Group B (Additional Amendments to the RAA)
Ad-Hoc Working Groups
At-Large Name Issues Taskforce: ( Main Wiki Page )
c. RALO Reports:Note: The Chair formalized her request during the 22 October 2009 meeting for the Secretariats of the RALOs to submit monthly reports.
There will be no discussion of RALO reports during the meeting; these links are by way of information only.AFRALO (AFRALO workspace)
APRALO (APRALO workspace)
EURALO (EURALO workspace)
NARALO: (NARALO Workspace)
II. New Business
Items for Decision