Monthly Reports
GNSO Motion to create the drafting group:
Motion on Selected Trademark Issues from the ICANN Board of Directors
Motion by: Adrian Kinderis
Seconded by: Tim Ruiz
WHEREAS, the ICANN Board has requested that the GNSO Council evaluate certain ICANN staff implementation proposals for the protection of trademarks in new gTLDs based in part on the recommendations from the IRT, public comments, and additional analysis undertaken by ICANN Staff, as described in the letter dated 12 October 2009 Letter from Rod Beckstrom & Peter Dengate Thrush to GNSO Council.
WHEREAS, the ICANN Board letter requests the GNSO Council's view by December 14, 2009 on whether certain rights protection mechanisms for second level strings recommended by ICANN Staff based on public input are consistent with the GNSO Council's proposed policy on the introduction of new gTLDs, and are the appropriate and effective options for achieving the GNSO Council's stated principles and objectives;
WHEREAS, the GNSO Council has reviewed the ICANN Board letter and desires to approve the procedures for conducting such evaluation;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the GNSO Council adopts the following process to conduct the evaluation requested by the Board:
1. A GNSO Review Team will be comprised of representatives designated as follows: the Registrar and Registry Stakeholder Groups with two (2) representatives each, the Commercial Stakeholder Groups and the Non-Commercial Stakeholder Groups with four (4) representatives each, and At-Large with one (1) representative and one representative (1) from the Nominating Committee Appointees, and the GAC with one (1) observer; Alternate members may participate in case of absence of the designated representative;
2. Each of the Stakeholder Groups will solicit from their members their initial position statements on the questions and issues raised by the ICANN Board letter and the ICANN Staff proposed models for the implementation of the Trademark Clearinghouse and Uniform Rapid Suspension model, and will deliver their initial position statements on November 4, and with final position statements to be delivered by November 6, 2009;
3. Such position statements will be summarized by ICANN Staff and distributed to the GNSO Review Team to evaluate whether a consensus can be reached on the ICANN Staff implementation models or other proposals for the protection of trademarks in the New gTLD Program; and
4. The GNSO Review Team will conduct its analysis, identify those areas where consensus has already been reached, an seek to develop consensus on those issues for which consensus could not be determined. The assistance of members of the IRT in answering questions about the IP Clearinghouse and Uniform Rapid Suspension System recommendations may be useful to this work. The GNSO Council requests that members of the IRT who worked on those recommendations be available to answer any such questions that may arise; and
5. The GNSO Review Team will provide a final report to the GNSO Council on or before the GNSO council's meeting in late November, 2009.
Please find the notes I have written (in no specific order) after reading all documents.
Please bear in mind that this is not a follow-up to this morning's breakfast meeting.