II. New Business
Items for Decision
6. Review and Revise Timelines on the Policy Advice Development Calendar (Carlton and Olivier) - 10 mins
Click here for all currently open public consultations.
The following currently open public consultations have not been scheduled for comment by the ALAC. What are the next steps the ExCom wishes to take?
- TLG Review – Final Report(ends 24 January 11)
- New Not-for-Profit Operational Concerns Constituency Petition and Charter (Extended to 30 January 11)
- Review of IDN ccTLD Fast Track Process(Extended to 31 January 11)
- GNSO Working Group Guidelines(ends 8 February 11)
- Interim Report of the Internationalized Registration Data Working Group (Extended to 14 March 11); If the ExCom wishes to develop a statement on this issue, Steve Sheng of ICANN staff has offered to present on an At-Large Community call.
7. Applicant Guidebook Alternative Text (AGAT) Working Group - Next Steps (10 mins) - Evan
For Reference: At-Large AGAT Workspace
3. If the ALAC approves the AGAT WG, does the ALAC wish to appoint Evan Leibovitch as Chair?
8. Joint SO/AC WG on New gTLD Applicant Support - Update (10 mins) Carlton
For Reference:
JAS Charters: Side-by-side comparison prepared by A. Greenberg) (PDF)
ICANN Legal Department's views on two Charter issue
How does the ALAC wish to proceed with the variance between GNSO and ALAC JAS Charters and/or in its further discussion with the GNSO on the JAS -WG Charter(s)?
9. Endorsement of At-Large Representatives to the DSSA Working Group (10 mins) Olivier
For Reference:
DSSA WG information (Blog post by Patrick Jones)
2. Who does the ALAC wish to nominate as the ALAC Liaison to the DSSA WG as the representative from the co-Chartering Organization?
10. Proposal to Expand ALAC Sub-Committee on Budget and Finance (10 mins) - Cheryl
The At-Large Improvements WT C, which includes all members of the currentALAC sub-Committee on Budget and Finance, has proposed that the ALAC is to review, revise and expand both the role and membership of this sub-committee. In terms of membership, WT C proposes that the sub-committee on Budget and Finance be expanded to include one nominated budget liaison from each of the five RALOs.
Does the ALAC wish to accept this proposal?
Items For Discussion
11. Preparation of At-Large Requests to ICANN's FY12 Budget (10 mins) - Olivier
For Reference: At-Large FY12 Budget Development Workspace (includes regional requests)
How does the ALAC wish to proceed with its response to the request for AC/SO requests for the FY12 Budget?
12. ALAC Policy Development for Public Consultation on the Interim Report of the Geo-Regions Review WG (10 mins) - Olivier and Cheryl
For Reference
At-Large Geo-Regions Workspace
How does the ALAC wish to proceed with its response to the Geo-Regions Report Public Consultation?
13. ALAC Policy Development for Public Consultation on ATRT Final Recommendations (10 mins) - Olivier and Cheryl
For Reference:
At-Large ATRT Workspace
How does the ALAC wish to proceed with its response to the ATRT Final Recommendations public consultation?
14. Brief Reports from At-Large Improvements Work Teams (15-20 min) - WT Chairs
During the Wrap-Up Session in Cartagena, it was decided that the At-Large Improvements Work Team would present their updates during the first ALAC meeting of 2011.
WT A Cartagena Presentation (9 December 2010)
WT B Cartagena Presentation (9 December 2010)
WT C Cartagena Presentation (9 December 2010)
WT D Cartagena Presentation (9 December 2010)
Items for Information
15. ICANN Meeting 40 in San Francisco - Tentative At-Large Meetings Schedule (5 mins) - Staff
Click here for the draft At-Large Meetings Schedule for the Silicon Valley Meeting in San Francisco
Does the ALAC have any comments or additional meetings they would like to schedule?
16. Any Other Business - (5 mins) Olivier