A briefing on the development of ICANN's Draft Strategic Plan for 2011 to 2014 was held during the EURALO conference call on November 16, 2010 (see: https://community.icann.org/display/EURALO/EURALO+16.11.2010+Teleconference). A recording of an excerpt of Kurt Pritz's discussion is available.
Previous ALAC Statements on the Strategic Plan and Operating Plan and Budget Frameworks
For your information, previous year submissions of ALAC in the consultation can be found in the following locations:
5 May 2008: ALAC Statement on the Draft Operating Plan for FY 2008-2009
Regardless of information given on various presentations and meetings, all RALO's and ALSes are reminded that their comments
are requested either directly to the Call for Public Comments ending on January 10th and/or are to be included in the ALAC Statement
. Their points should be directed to the specific matters raised in and comments ON the following document text:
ICANN 2011-2014 Strategic Plan