ALAC Monthly Teleconference for SEPTEMBER 2007
Date: 11 September 2007
Time: 1330 UTC (for the time in various timezones click here)
Summary Minutes: Meeting Summary 11 September 2007
Action Items: Action Items 11 September 2007
Transcription: 11-09-2007-EN (MSWord)
Recording: 11MB MP3
Agenda is in draft form until adopted by the Committee.
Documents are linked for download next to the agenda items they belong to where available.
Standing Agenda Items
- Adoption of the Agenda – 1 min
- Roll Call Apologies from Members (if any) - 1 min
- Adoption of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting - 2 mins
- Review of Action Items of the Previous Meeting - 5 mins
- ALAC Rules of Procedure (ROP) - way forward.
- Results of ALS voting of August
- Result of Board Liaison Election
Membership Matters
- Voting on NomCom Nominations
Motion - that the ALAC open a vote online on the ones that have more than 1 name suggested, to close by end of this weekend, for the results to be transmitted to George Sadowsky by next Monday. (JAM)
Regional Activities
In the interests of time, Members are requested to add any particular items relating to regional activities for which ALAC action is needed to the 'New Business' section of the agenda. Other matters of regions should be discussed on-list intercessionally.
4. Issues Working Groups: Volunteers are required for several issues under consideration within ALAC. Volunteers required to work with these ALAC WGs to represent APRALO interests were called for. Collaborative mechanisms for these APRALO Working Groups, include:- dedicated mailing list per WG; IRC/IM type setup (ExCom has started using Skype Chat with some success); Wiki (which already exists).
Liaison & Other Reports
In the interests of time, Members are asked to converse on the reports of liaisons, Chair, and Staff online
IDN report--see "IDN Policy Formation" page.
Policy Matters
Members are reminded to take note of the open public consultations; please see http://www.alac.icann.org for the listing.
WHOIS report: whois liaison reports (the WHOIS WG has concluded its work and passed on a disputed report to the GNSO Council)
Non-Standing Agenda Items
Other Matters From Previous Meetings
- Working Practices of the Committee - please see the attached Current ROP's DRAFT under WG discussion for ALAC Consideration: CLO/WG to speak to this matter (3 mins)
- Division of Labour / Subcommittees (from 28 June 2007) (2 min) - In her email to the SC (JAM; CLO; VC; RG; AM) Jacqueline suggested the following start up activities / course of action, for us to begin with "to start with a draft ToR for the work of the group, timeframes etc. and send that to the ALAC as a first step. When I thought about the group originally, I came up with the following things that the ALAC needs to do :
• Outreach membership – including internal and external relationships (other ICANN committees, ICANN staff etc, as well as external like IGF and regional groupings)
• Communications – website, press, blog, etc
• Policy – ad hoc working groups and
• Strategy
• Finance (already constituted)
I don’t know if anyone else has more or a different type of list, but hopefully this can kickstart the process." end quote... To this end if other ALAC activities / priorities could be identified to the SC it would be greatly appreciated.
Outreach & Related Activities
LA ICANN meeting
Motion - that the ALAC form a SC (2 -3 people) to work with the Chair and the At Large Director to draft ALAC's activity calendar for LA meeting
Note from the Staff: The regional Secretariats will be at the LA meeting and had a teleconference last night where they identified three work programmes associated with their attendance in LA: a) At-Large Strategic Plan (w/ALAC); b) Review and Propose New information and interaction methodologies supporting end-user engagement in ICANN's work (w/Staff); c) Work on a framework plan for the At-Large Summit (w/ALAC).
New Business
1. APRALO request for ALAC response/opinion to the APTLD IDN Fast-track Proposal as discussed and undergoing ensorsement by the APRALO at this time.
2. APRALO request for clarification regarding ICANN Budget ramification on Face to Face Meetings: Specifically will the proposed ALS / At Large Summit in June at the ICANN Paris meeting effect the AP-ALS member funding to attend the AP regional meeting planned for ICANN in February?
3. At Large Summit in June 2008: organization and involvement of ALAC and ALAC members.
4. Travel to LA
Remote Participation Details
Please join MR NICK ASHTON HART on SEP-11-2007 (Tuesday) at 01:30 PM UNIVERSAL TIME.
CALL DATE: | Sept-11-2007 (Tuesday) |
DURATION: | 1 hr |
PASSCODE: | 7968438 |