Document prepared by Working Group 2 alacworkinggroups]***
Comments responding to documents prepared by the PSC, and specifically concerning “Improving Institutional Confidence,” where organized in 5 areas:
First draft (in English) established by Sebastien Bachollet the 18th of February. Second draft (in English) established by Sebastien Bachollet the 23rd of February. Third draft (edition of the second) by Seth M. Reiss the 25th of February. Fourth draft by Seth M. Reiss the 3d of March. ---- alacworkinggroups:(1] Members of the group ALS Rep Carlos Aguirre – LACRALO Izumi Aizu – APRALO Louis Houle – NARALO Tommi Karttaavi – EURALO Glenn McKnight – NARALO Antonio Medina Gomez – LACRALO Sivasubramanian Muthusamy – APRALO Jose Ovidio Salgueiro – LACRALO Aislan Vargas – LACRALO Mathias Altamira – LACRALO Mamonia Niangl – AFRALO