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Wiki Markup
Working Group Members Disclosure Statements and Contact Information should be added here in table format, with links to profile pages as desired.

<i>To create a new people profile,
<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Click Here" onClick="'./index.cgi?action=duplicate_popup;page_name=User Profile Template')">
and name the new page using the format of "Firstname Lastname".  You can later add a link to your profile page from the table below </i>

| *Member Name* | *Company or Department* | *Role* | *Email Address* | *Phone Details* | *Instant Message ID* | *Location* |
| [Cheryl Langdon-Orr|alacjointgnsoalacwg:Cheryl Langdon-Orr] | ALAC Chair | APRALO Rep | langdonorr [alacjointgnsoalacwg:@alacjointgnsoalacwg@|alacjointgnsoalacwg:at] | Office:+61 2 9652 1047Mobile: + (0)408647214 | SKYPE:cheryl.langdon.orr | Glenorie, NSW Australia 2157 |
| [alacjointgnsoalacwg:Create page] | Enterprise or Org | x y z | email @ xys | Office: (area code) number | | City, State etc., |
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